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Apparently GB4 goes GRRRR
  • Yup. It's damn near impossible not too lol here's my current mess. Naturally I had to pay tribute to the man who never betrayed anyone with the paint. It was also a lot of fun finding out the rx-124 "legs" + the v2 backpack make effortless gliding instead of walking. You just float everywhere 😂

  • Apparently GB4 goes GRRRR
  • I haven't played online yet, I like to make sure I have a good handle on the game before doing that. But so far the single player has been pretty fun. I'm enjoying making some of the fugliest gundams that whoop in battles and painting them up like they aren't some frankensteined mess 😂

  • Apparently GB4 goes GRRRR

    *I am aware they are "B"s, but I keep seeing them as "R"s lol

    UDM Pro or PFsense and why?
  • I do. It's nice. Just earlier I used teleport to remote in and setup a docker container, while out. It's certainly the biggest advantage to me, having a one click/tap VPN connection to a network. It's helped me out several times at home and work.

  • What is this connector? [SOLVED]

    I have a project I'm doing where a small hobby board has connectors for different things, including LEDs. I don't want to use the original LED strip, and would like to make a single LED that plugs into the board instead, but I don't know how to identify/find this connector. Can anyone help?

    My wife, newly hired, was asked to un-blur her camera during a routine meeting to confirm her I9 information. This seems like a violation to me?
  • the HR drone could've probably explained it better, but it's possible for the background blur effect to distort a close up img on camera of a document, such as for I9. I recently went through a verification of my documents and had to do the same thing, except I made the call to unblur and immediately my docs were verifiable via camera.

    Likely policy is to ask for blur effects to be disabled to remove the possibility of interference in be able to actually see/verify docs.

  • Ubuntu touch on the fairphone 4
  • You should be able to run other desktop apps too, through libertine. Though, to be fair, my only time testing it was on a pinetab 1 and it was a feature not yet fully working at that time. I cannot confirm how well it works now

  • chromebook just some guy
    Alt OSes for EOL Chromebooks

    I'm curious if anyone has tried alternative OSes on an EOL Chromebook?

    Ive read using brunch can keep them receiving updates (without losing Android/Linux containers)

    I tried out bliss is from a live usb last night and it was okay. Honestly the 3 launcher options just send to compete with each other.

    Anyone tried any others out? If so, which ones, what was your experience like?

    Need some advice on scanning

    I’m having a bit of a hard time with this, but I also acknowledge this is still relatively niche still.

    I’d like to make printed recreations of some parts that I currently have. They’re unfortunately a bit complex to quickly recreate manually in a sculpting software. I do have an iPad PRo and a budget for any additional hardware to help. I was hoping I could find a carousel I could connect to the iPad Pro and use and app to control the carousel and scan the parts. I’m not finding anything.

    Can anyone recommend a good setup to make 3D scans of these small parts, or an app/hardware combo that could help me accomplish this?

    me_irl just some guy
    me_irl just some guy
    Me irl
    Curious about best tools to find AAD leaks

    As I'm sure many others have encountered, within days of creating any user in O365, they start receiving spam, phishing, and solicitation emails. Some of these bad actors have shown a very clear pattern to me, so it leads me to believe a team of bad actors may have found access to our GAL and will make regular attempts to scam our employees. I'm of course, also curious how I might find that employees with minimal outside communications (external communications are with specific individuals at client companies.)

    Unfortunately, I haven't much experience with SecOPs, so I'm curious if anyone more experienced can suggest some good tools to recommend for me to do some digging into this. Tool/app platform doesn't matter, I've got Windows, Mac, and Linux machines available to utilize for testing.

    GNOME Mobile shell running on PineTab2

    Still a lot of unfinished styling/animations, and several apps can't yet utilize the OSK, but so far I'm liking this GNOME far better than vanilla on the PT2. Installed on Danctnix via gnome-mobile-shell from the AUR.

    me_irl just some guy
    me irl Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

    looking for suggestions for carousel to use with ipad pro for 3d scanning

    A friend and I have an idea we want to begin working on to take something small, rescale, and print it.

    When talking with a friend pretty big into printing already, he suggested for scanning in the parts that we use a carousel that can have it's speed controlled by the scanning app.

    I didn't have much luck in my initial searching so I thought I'd reach out to the community for suggestions of equipment/apps we can use to get the best possible scans.


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    just some guy
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