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What are you playing this weekend? 2024-02-23

I'm checking out the demo for Contra: Operation Galuga, and maybe going to play some more Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons to unlock some characters. Potentially other beat 'em ups and Mortal Kombat if I get the chance to get together and play some co-op.

What about you? What have all of you been playing?


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  • Still on my journey through Tears of the Kingdom. No spoilers, but one of the side quests that includes taking photos of monsters is so cool!
    Splatoon 3 Side Order also just came out, so I'm going to make some time to play that as well.

    • Yeah, that was a very interesting side quest, really enjoyed it.

      How far along are you?

      • Cleared 3 regional phenomenas so far, Gerudo is next.
        I'm glad I did Rito first. Not only is it my favorite town (along with Tarrey Town), but the reward you get for clearing it is also super useful.

        Not really confident enough to begin exploring the depths yet. Once I lighted up a few spots, I realized how enormous it is and decided that getting sidetracked on the surface and sky is enough for now, lol. Maybe once I cleared Gerudo I would start exploring there, at least for the Robbie quest.

        • Ah. I think you should try the depths 😀

          • I know I'm going to get so lost in there 😭
            Sorry Zelda, you're going to have to wait even longer for me to find you.

            Should I go there now? Or is it fine after I finish Gerudo?

            Potential spoiler question

            I'm thinking I should at least complete all the surface towers and a few shrines, so I know where to find lightroots and not be completely lost.

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