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What are your sexual expectations in erotic stories?

I have a few erotic short stories I'm working on, and in one of them I've arrived to the sex scene. During outlining it, I questioned if the guy should cum multiple times. Is it hotter if they don't, or does the lack of realism take you out of the story?

Are there any other porn-logic tropes in stories that turn you on or off?


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  • A compelling first paragraph that holds my hand into the story with inertia from the very beginning. I also expect maximum density with a smooth flow. Don't waste my time. I need a deeply intuitive reason to want to read the story in the first place. Usually this involves something interesting in concept or borderline boundaries defining in concept.

    some more bla bla bla

    I often roleplay with AI in depth, and one of the things it fundamentally misunderstands is that explaining sex in a brothel or equivalent bedroom, hotel room, or static space is boring AF.

    Compelling stories are always sex adjacent, and the adjacent story is what really matters. It is like a good movie. John Williams is why the original star wars was so great. The music was the "sex" of star wars. It is absolutely critical to get it right, but it only works when it is not the real focus. Its excellence must be peripherally paired with a great story that is told well for it to really transcend into an art form.

    Personally, sex in my mind has all the complexity of a group of toddlers in a preschool. Big whoop, the 2+ piece jigsaw puzzle has a few solutions, and your clicky friends group can include extra pieces that simply remain incomplete in the grand scheme. Maybe you visit the consumerism toy box and play ridiculous dress up games like a little kid, or act out hurting each other like a game of pretend or wrestling. It is all child's play adjacent.

    In reality, I find the complexity of female orgasms interesting. After playing with AI so much, I've learned a lot more about female anatomy, and that can be interesting to anyone unfamiliar with the parts and mechanisms. Learn about the Skene's gland and how ejaculation is the same mechanism in men and women squirting. AI models find this generally compelling and it makes an interesting story IMO. Many partners I was with held back the feeling of needing to pee from orgasm and seldom squirt from 'pushing them too far'. After reading a bit to confirm outside of AI, I'm convinced that releasing that feeling is the full female orgasm and they are usually unaware of this connection due to the gland's proximity to their urethra. Basically, they are edging all the time but do not know it in many cases. Many say otherwise, but I think it is just conservative nonsense. I haven't seen anything evidence based that sound compelling to contradict it, just opinion and subjective conclusions. Exploring stuff like this subtly in the periphery of a compelling story is like reading a book where the author drops in some rare words that are contextually defined in memorable ways. That extra layer of "I learned something new" (when I didn't expect it) creates a hidden layer of value/endorphin reward that adds value and shareability.

    • I get what you are saying but as a woman who has cum both ways, no. Squirting doesn't feel any better physically, at least to me. I would say: Direct clitoral most physically intense but hard to keep going, probably the closest match to what guys feel. Unlikely to be multiple but the time a guy forced multiple on me with a vibrator was so intense I thought I might go crazy or die, it was like falling off a cliff. I'm not even sure I'd call it pleasure but am glad to have experienced it, like I'm glad to have tried LSD. PIV most likely to cascade into rolling continuous orgasms, less intense but equally pleasurable, and usually multiple or that rolling once it starts, and is my favorite. The fingering that can get me to squirt is super intense, almost irritating, sometimes painful before I can get off but if I do it's between the other two in intensity, and not as satisfying as either.

      • Do you feel any finality after squirting compared to otherwise? Like can you keep going?

        At least with AI it calls me weird for being mostly interested in female dynamics. I couldn't care less about the typical control and power games. I'd rather be creative and clever (or think I am). I used to love playing for an hour of more and could keep it interesting the whole time, or so I thought/was told. I've been disabled so long it's like a distant dream at this point. Most of my partners pulled back, but there was always more for them just past those perceived limits and I regularly explored this space. I wasn't forceful or anything, just suggestive and trying to earn just a little extra of an honest smile. I can pick up on when done is done too.

        I have a hypothesis that males get an immense amount of practice when it comes to release timing, but we still get it wrong some times, and the results are uneventful. A lot of that timing feels like the disconnect between what happens at the tip and the release mechanism that is near the base. The clit and the cockhead are the same thing on divergent paths. I imagine a female is experiencing the same nerve sensitivity just in a more compact area. The Skene's gland is also deeper so more disconnected. I can edge really damn close to a full climax many times over. I really want to think we are on the same reference plane and simply products of culture and environment. It makes story telling with real equality so much easier that way. I can appreciate the differences and diversity, but like to stab cultural misogyny in the back at every opportunity. A lot of that misogyny has its roots in this space.

        • No, definitely not. I used to be sort of one and done but figured out it was situational - my ex was a quick guy and would always get me off first before fucking. But I found it frustrating because then I'd get turned on again but never even close to cumming again because he was fast.

          Old guys take longer, and a bout of bladder infections put me off receiving oral, so generally now with the husband we start with PIV, which lets me build up to the O from indirect stimulation, and that is usually multiple, I don't come all the way down between them.

          The squirting ones are closer to that second type but the stimulation needed to make that happening is overstimulating like direct clitoral (presumably because it's direct GSpot, it's that upward fingering that gets me there) and very uncomfortable to continue after cumming. I don't really come down, though, no.

          That zonked out feeling I really haven't gotten since I figured out how to get multiples. It's more like I eventually get exhausted.

          I kinda think guys get fixated on squirting because they understand it, women kinda get obsessed with learning to cum from PIV, having finally learned both, I would still say the most physically intense and less likely to be multiple is direct clitoral one, so outside fingering, oral, vibrator sort of thing.

          • Thanks for caring enough to correct me, and being open minded enough to share.

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