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(Meta) So many questions here are not open ended. Does anyone care?
  • I like it how it is. I dislike active moderation and arbitrary rules. The community makes the rules, good mods enforce what the community pushes through, and not just one or two vocal people. If the community engages, and it hurts no one, why interfere. At best you discourage participation.

  • Have you ever owned a rare or unusual car?
  • Oh yeah! That is SUPER rare. I painted and did auto body repairs for used car lots. I've worked on thousands of cars and only worked on purple once.

  • One BEELYUN Dollars . . .
  • There are ~100k feral humans sent back to live in nature within 100 miles of me in the greater Los Angeles region.

  • Has some rich person ever successfully carried out Daddy Bigbucks from Urbz Sims in the City's plan to turn a town/city into an urban theme park?
  • I don't know the game ref, but it sounds like the old mining towns of the USA in the nineteenth century.

  • Featured
    Looking for new Site Admins
  • I've been pushing positivity since the beginning before the first 1.5k joined this server.

    I would do it, and have the time, but I don't think you guys meet my requirements to make it manageable. I don't use proprietary software, and use a whitelist firewall with addresses I know and trust, like this server. While I can spin up a secondary network or even a Windows machine, I do not care to do so at all, and certainly not regularly. However, I'm basically at a computer all the time anyways.

  • Featured
    Looking for new Site Admins
  • Third

  • Featured
    [Community Challenge 39] Hybrid Animals
  • What do you think it would take to make this vote tally thing automated by a bot? Like ideally one could set up the whole thing to tally, send a few direct messages around and fall back to defaults if there is no reply set within a given amount of time. I'm not criticising anyone here. From my perspective after hosting once, the whole tally and generation of the next challenge is a bit of a drag where automaton and routine would help improve participation IMO.

  • what's the easiest way to manage a Lemmy community?
  • Invisibly; by trying to post in it and encourage others to do so. There is not much management to do with such a small community. The majority of regular users watch the All feed, so subscriptions are really just a way to bookmark the community to post in it or find it more easily. For smaller or new communities, expect it to be more like your personal blog as it is unlikely to be something others will post in regularly. The majority of communities that are hourly-active were made prior to the rexodus of June 2023, or within a few weeks thereafter.

    Unless you're in a very controversial space, actively micromanaging a community is likely an issue with the mod not the community IMO. The admins take care of the majority of wack-a-mole nonsense here.

  • What is/are the finishing technique(s) used in die cast plastic production products?
  • How are finishes so durable and thin?

    My assumption of a lack of post processes is because I come from a background of automotive refinishing and repair, where I've owned a shop and painted for many years along with getting into custom art graphics and airbrushing. The only finishes I know of that provide a similar durability are two part urethanes. Those are far too thick by comparison. When cutting into plastics that have been moulded, the finish shows no signs of mechanical layering or bonding like a post process finish in most cases. Often a cleanly broken or cut part shows a similar type of penetrating surface alteration I associate with a polishing operation, where the surface transitions in color and grain structure with in millimeter or few (in cases where the break is clean and does not appear to be influenced by stress alterations like ABS where it whitens under tension).

    How does chromate conversion work with a prep regime and what kind of wet paint can offer similar durability to a 2k urethane when it is impossibly thin? Like I know the limitations of urethane well when it comes to corners and pointy bits where it will thin from surface tension. There is not a chance in hell that the buttons on the side of my phone could be painted with such a finish with an even conformal coating and remain durable for years of constant abrasion. Is there a name for this class and type of finish? Where are they sourced? What is the scale of the industry? Is there a way to access the process and products at a small scale?

  • The great California avocado battle has begun
  • Dems are arming us for battle. Ice Age was a training film. That was no acorn, but we are all squirrels chasing nuts.

  • China spent $230 billion to build its electric car industry, CSIS says
  • They told us they were going to invest in EV R&D back in 2014. You know, back before we had that orange anal experience of a Russian puppet wannabe pornstar felon president. We put 6b into GM to compete; they pumped their stocks with it. Such is 3rd world America. Lay off the McCarthy bullshit whining about investing in R&D to mask corruption and ineptitude. This was no fucking surprise. Spinning this bullshit is just trying to justify screwing over average Americans with overpriced undeveloped bloated unaffordable garbage made to pad our useless incompetent oligarchy's pockets.

  • What games did you have a good time with that you just never finished?
  • Tears of the Kingdom. It just got too grindy for me. I rarely play anything any more anyways.

  • And they never will
  • None of them have. Like the Trinity was invented at the first ecumenical council of Nicaea over 300 years after the stories of the gospels. The word and concept have no biblical basis whatsoever. So even back before the biblical canon was finalized they weren't reading it and made it up as they went.

  • Culver City and the Expo Bike Path
  • Use strava heat maps to find better routes.

  • What is/are the finishing technique(s) used in die cast plastic production products?

    I know it is not a post process thing. Is it stuff applied to the mold or stuff inside the plastic itself? I mean things like buttons, toys, phone parts before the back glass phase; things that are super thin with a finished surface that is durable and bonded to the part.

    Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments
  • Trump: "I love your 10 commandments," you insolate moron. They mark you as a gullible fool that is easy to manipulate because you oversimplify from a lack of cognitive depth and believe in magic. I can say and do anything, and you'll charge into my sword because you see red and believe. At least a bull gives some fight, you on the other hand...

  • What is your favourite shell to use
  • Slowly trying to learn sh while using mostly bash. Convenience is nice and all, but when I encounter something like OpenWRT or Android, I don't like the feeling of speaking a foreign language. Maybe if I can get super familiar with sh, then I might explore prettier or more convenient options, but I really want to know how to deal with the most universal shell.

  • Have you ever owned a rare or unusual car?
  • Yeah, but depends on a person's goals. I don't mind being doxed. The privacy thing I'm really concerned about is manipulation of data related to the host server; apps that are used like data loggers of sensors; tracking dwell time; page views; likes, blocks, etc. I care far less about what I say to others in public. I vehemently claim that owning the data about any individual is theft of autonomy, failure of democracy and government, and a form of slavery if one plays out the total philosophical circumstance and implications. Anyone that holds such data about someone else with the intent to manipulate in any way whatsoever is a criminal. I've been a Buyer for a retail chain, collected and analysed tons of customer data. This has nothing to do with how data is collected and used now, but this is used as justification for the present criminal data manipulation industry.

    As a disabled person, I need to connect with humans more, and as much as I can here. I totally respect those of you that have other priorities that limit your conversational topics of interest, and I don't wish to violate those. This place is just my version of a public square, where I'm trying to make general conversation. -warmly

  • DIY true a wheel
  • The rim is positioned by the spokes, but the hub is constrained by the bearings and dropouts. It is a rigid member. The rotor disc is attached to the hub directly.

    Disc brakes are not easy to setup and get them right. I'm a hardcore roadie from back before disc brakes were a thing for road. I also have a top shelf mountain enduro bike that has disc brakes. While I work on all of my own road stuff, I avoid working on fork/shock internals and disc brakes. I've worked in several bike shops and I always pay the mechanics to setup my disc brakes. I've learned the hard way of having the annoying things make tons of noise and problems.

    There is a Park Tool rotor truing tool that they use to tweak the positioning of the rotor by bending it slightly. It is difficult to tweak them right without making the problem worse. Here is the tool used with a special jig on a truing stand that allows more accurate adjustment without turning the thing into a wavy piece of junk:

  • DIY true a wheel
  • Disc brakes should not be affected by wheel truing. Those are not related problems. If you have rim brakes then it will be an issue, but not discs.

    Truing wheels is not hard. A bike stand helps a while lot. I build and true my own wheels on the bike, with the bike in a portable stand.

    Disc brake problems can be tricky. The disc itself can be trued with bending.

  • Have you ever owned a rare or unusual car?

    I had a 1971 Toyota FJ40, and built a 1992 supercharged Camaro with a mini blower. Those were my coolest, but also a couple Fiero's, a Z32, and an E30.

    ...also the guy that rode a bicycle everywhere '09-'14 got hit 7 times, with the last one disabling me. So don't get too bent over car stuff. I've put in over 170k miles on a bicycle since '09.

    A time traveler's survival guide. The vertical green bars are the only times in Earth's history with enough oxygen to breathe (hypoxia) and low enough to avoid oxygen toxicity (hyperoxia).

    This was a screenshot I took months ago while watching a Geology Hub upload on YT. It was a lightbulb moment for my understanding of mass extinction events, (the largest was 250ma). I've referenced this multiple times, so thought I might share. Perhaps you find it as interesting as I do.

    SD3 - grass + lady - no magic, just a proper workflow

    The ComfyUI prompt and workflow is attached to the image:

    You can't copy pasta this prompt. There are a few nodes that are specific to SD3 and required.

    EDIT: more proof of the chain that lead to this image. They were not all this good. I'm cherry picking for sure and these are just webp's without workflows attached:













    I'll Pug you up!

    Prompt was through ComfyUI, so it is embedded in the image:

    It was supposed to be a pug kangaroo hybrid but the AI apparently wanted to throw in some monkey too.

    Shadow tiger; hunter of dust bunnies; raider of toilet papers

    Spots have turned to stripes on the bottom half of this one.

    How are you parsing JSON on the command line?

    I want to extract and process the metadata from PNG images and the first line of .safetensors files for LLM's and LoRA's. I could spend ages farting around with sed or awk but formats of files are constantly changing. I'd like a faster way to see a summary of training and a few other details when they are available.

    catholic school uniform

    Felt sexy, needed to share. Not my gen, just one from a NSFW LoRA posted on civitai.

    Five ideas for future community challenges with examples and LoRA's

    just some ideas with examples and LoRA's:

    1. People that just shouldn't be action figures.


    1. Unexpected selfie


    1. Model worlds


    1. Deep fried with gravy


    1. Salt bae


    Shooting star on the Moon

    Double dipping this one from the community challenge #37 pinned to the top of !

    Vote on my impossibly hard challenge please.

    [Community Challenge 37] The Up Side Down

    The Up Side Down

    I want to see the most impressive images of an upside down reality. From objects, to landscapes, or anything in between, what kinds of inceptions can you create.

    extra credit

    I've been trying to create an O'Neill Cylinder space habitat interior for a week now. Major kudos if you can can defy gravity with one of these. If you don't know what an O'Neill cylinder is, watch this 3min render: or here is the wiki


    • Follow the community’s rules above all else
    • One comment and image per user
    • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
    • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning)
    • Posts that are tied will both get the points
    • The challenge runs for 7 days from now on
    • Down votes will not be counted


    At the end of the challenge each post will be scored:

    • Most upvoted: +3 points
    • Second most upvoted: +2 pointS
    • Third most upvoted: +1 point
    • OP’s favorite: +1 point
    • Most unconformable: +1 point
    • Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote): +1 point
    • Prompt and workflow included: +1 point

    The winner gets to pick next theme! Have fun everyone!

    What's your best last prank?

    Someone a few hours earlier asked, what would you do if you found porn after a family member passed. I am asking, what kind of porn did you get, just to be found after you're gone? For better or worse! What is your last way to get in a dad joke or eye roll?

    Does the USA have any open market cellular options that are legitimate pay-as-you-go and only for what you use options like Europe yet?

    I've lived under a rock for 10 years. I did Metro ages ago while most were still on contracts. Surely we've reached true capitalist open market freedom by now. Is it still total closed market, noncompetitive, privateering corruption?

    Do you have a more complicated shell history scheme than the distro default?

    I've used distrobox more and more and am at the point where I need to start saving and integrating history differently. Or like, when I'm installing and building something complicated, I need to start saving that specific session's history. I am curious what others might be doing and looking for simple advice and ideas.

    What is the oldest common food in the typical western diet?

    Of the things available to most of us, what are common and the oldest things we might find on a store shelf?

    Have you ever tried silkscreen printing?

    I've wanted to try it for a long time, but never got around to it. I'm curious about any techniques that are more grass roots outside of the commercialized space, like what are the absolute minimum things needed when repeatability, convenience, and time are not important factors, but money and access to rare markets is extremely limited? What have you made before?


    • a (blank) makes a good screen, or (blank) is an alternate technique to screens
    • (blank) can work as a replacement for emulsion
    • (blank) is an alternative for ink

    I'm personally interested in printing on t-shirts, but also printing silkscreens on circuit boards.

    Robotics/Kinematics - Rolling contact joints - YT upload today from Breaking Taps

    This might be a useful reference to be aware of for projects, especially for very small designs.

    Can you name any objectively unique human creations or thoughts that were not derived/inspired from another source?

    This is intended as a very abstract philosophical question.

    Like Einstein with relativity was inspired by a man falling from a roof and a moving train. Most creative ideas seem to boil down to a person moving ideas across domains. Do you think this is always true even if the person is unwilling to admit the root thoughts, or perhaps they are completely unaware of the connections they subconsciously made? Is there truly a provably unique thought or is everything a product of experience?

    j4k3 j4k3
    Posts 186
    Comments 1.6K