seize the means of production
seize the means of production
seize the means of production
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Having government owned gas I can tell you it's also a monopoly but one enforced even further by law
And when government fucked up those management, you as a citizen should held your government liable. People shouldn't be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of their people. Also, the government's main priority is NOT to make a profit but rather serve the people. So there is a (theoretical) obligation for the government to make sure every citizen has access to their service even if at a loss.
A government monopoly run by the workers, not for profit but to provide a service, is far better than a private monopoly.
See: The USPS
It works great. It's my favorite shipping option.
Easy to say living in a first world country
First world countries tend to not be run for the benefit of all. Not that third world countries are either, mind you, but generally removing the profit motive from basic necessities seems to have very positive results on levels of freedom and social mobility.
Except when corrupt officials just pocket the money and invest nothing into infrastructure
Monopolys aren't good either but living in a third world country I can tell you you can find worse problems with state controlled systems than with private companies that at least have to keep you as a client somehow
Sounds like a problem with how democratically accountable it is, not with it being state run. Privately, this is how it's supposed to work, haha.
In my experience government operated facilities are only accountable to the current government so any political wants or ideologies come first.
In a for profit situation without a monopoly the company at least has to try to keep you as a client so there's some give and take.
Taking a monopoly from a company and putting it in the hands of the state is just as bad in my opinion
Some problems don't have a nice for all solution sadly
Again, sounds like a government structure issue.
I could say the private company gas issue is a company structure issue under the same logic
You could not, because the profit motive remains the goal.