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  • They're not on the right.... They're aggressive capitalists. They want you to have healthcare that you pay for.

    They want someone to make a profit off of it. If it's socialized "single payer" healthcare like other first world countries, then "the government" will have nearly unlimited power to basically dictate what procedures cost, which will impact the profits of private hospitals, doctors, etc. (Nurses get fucked regardless for wages, so I'm not going to touch that topic).

    The whole healthcare machine, the one that "provides" healthcare as a means to make profit, would basically collapse under a single payer healthcare system. Getting a government funded system, like "Obamacare" in the mix is a "slippery slope" towards a single payer system, which the ruling class would "suffer" for since they have a nontrivial amount of money tied up in investments with insurance, hospitals, etc. And all those dividends would evaporate if the system even slightly went towards a single payer system.

    The ruling class has convinced their brain-dead followers that "the libs" want them to pay for other people's healthcare, and thus those people don't pay for their own, except they do. And the "what do I get out of it" mentality kicks into high gear to basically turn them against the idea of helping anyone, at any time, for any reason.

    An actual conservative would be asking about how to fund such a system, so that the budget doesn't fly out of control due to unchecked healthcare spending. A liberal would say to go ahead and give it to everyone and we'll figure out the details on how to pay it later. People need it now and they're suffering without it, so let's put everyone on the same playing field first.

    A communist would want the entire system to be annexed, owned, and operated by the state/government, which is acting on behalf of and in the best interest of the people, spoiler for the Americans, you elect your government, they don't act in your best interest; they act in the best interest of whomever is paying them the most, aka, the rulers of the USA, who are aggressively capitalist because it's made each and every one of them rich beyond anyone's imagining.

    The whole thing is stupid. The people on the right have their heads shoved so far up the assess of people who don't give any shits about them, that they haven't seen daylight in years. They're constantly rage baited into thinking that someone is going to get a leg up on them because of some handout, whether it's a real cash handout or just one that they think is a handout.

    Everyone else is looking for basic fucking rights to live and continue to exist with all the rights and freedoms as everybody. Then bodily autonomy gets ripped away from anyone with a uterus, and if you want to get married, it has to be to someone whom the state deems is an appropriate person for you to marry. If you want to parade down the boardwalk showing pride in who you are, well, that's not right, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!11

    I'm tired of hearing about these douchebags that only give a shit about something if some rich asshole tells them to. If you're a conservative, ask yourself, what fucking business is it of yours to tell someone else who they can love? What fucking problem do you have with your neighbor getting "free" treatment for their possibly fatal medical issues? If it's only because someone told you to give a shit about it, maybe rethink your entire life because nobody on the other side is saying you can't get married to whom you love, or get medical care, paid or not, to take care of yourself when you're diagnosed with stage four cancer, Sarah. Go fuck yourself and stop trying to fuck everyone else with your pathetic self absorbed bullshit.

    I've been having a rough week. I apologized for swearing so much.

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