Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report
Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

The former president reportedly relayed his fears to Joe Biden in late June.

Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report
The former president reportedly relayed his fears to Joe Biden in late June.
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Biden doesn't have a chance on reelection. The guy needs to retire and the left knows it. Biden makes Carter look competent.
I mean yes, let’s all come together and shit on the one president that has accomplished more than the last 5 combined because he’s old and he fell that one time riding a bike.
This president was the most conservative in his primary.
MaryAnn Williamson
Malarkey detected.
"shit on the one president that has accomplished more than the last 5 combined"
Are you daft? You can't be serious, I mean come on man?
At least biden isn't gonna brag about beating a cognition test.
Camera, chair , woman. See totally sane. He even drew a clock and identified a giraffe!
He bragged about being top of his class in law school, a lie. He bragged about being involved in the civil rights movements, also a lie. He plagiarized someone elses speeches. This list is endless
Carter? Why mention Carter? Not Nixon? Not Harding? Why not Trump? Bush? Fucking Taft? What’s the reason for the Carter comparison? I don’t know what you’re on about.
Because warmongering republicans love to say Carter was terrible when actually he was at worst run of the mill. But since Reagan followed him they have a rage boner against him. Literally one of the greatest humans with all the work he’s done with his charitable organizations.
He was the first neoliberal president.
We neolibs happily claim Carter and history will be very kind to him
These are two separate things.
Yes, I agree that he should retire and pass the torch to whoever wins an open primary without interference by the DNC.
But that doesn't mean he can't win.
I'd vote for a cat with mange and one eye who lives in an IHOP dumpster over a Nazi sympathizer.
I would certainly prefer nearly anyone reasonable over that cat.
But I'll be damned if I'm going to not vote against the collapse of American democracy, irrespective of how enthused or not I am about who that vote is ultimately for.
Though really, it's the two party system that needs retirement.
I probably agree with ~80% of the US electorate on the issues that are actually most important to me. Which means we should have one party that represents that vast majority with aggressive open ranked choice primaries to see who controls it, with fringe groups like outspoken communists or fascists needing to run severely minority candidates rather than kidnapping half the nation by getting lucky during a fragmented closed primary process with a dozen candidates for only half the nation.
Nazi Germany could have been defeated with ranked choice voting well before WWII.
American democracy must be preserved or the world is fucked, but it should also probably get a bit of an update with the best features developed and vetted in democracies since 1776.
First of thank you for a well thought out rebuttle, I'm going to need a bit to support and counter some of your points. I didnt want to not reply and think I was just trolling/ghosting.
Refusing to allow their candidate be primaried, refusing debates, suing to keep other partys off the ballot doesn't sound that democratic. If democrats were truly concerned about keeping republicans out of office they need to make the moral choice and vote 3rd party. Because we will not support your neoliberal, corporate owned, warhawk. Doesnt matter if its red or blue in office, the working class and poor continue to get fucked over by them. And being told they are doing well, despite the evidence they are not, is not that convincing.
Oh damn, you're right. The Dem doesn't pass a 1000% purity test. Guess I'll just stay home and let others decide my fate.
Its not a purity test, its holding them accountable. Something voters are incapable of doing.
You're right about us being incapable but for the wrong reason. We're incapable of holding politicians accountable with our votes because of jerry mandering and an extremely broken two party system. If we had more options, that were actually options, we could vote better. But right now, we're forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. And the right is trying really hard to make this super obvious if you're even paying a modicum of attention. They are mustache twirling evil and super up front about it these days.
If the millions of Dem voters refused to support the DNC and voted 3rd party it would break the 2 party system. One election is all it would take. Why choose a lesser evil, which doesn't exist, when you could vote for no evil.
It's voters that keep the oppressive 2 party system alive.
Dems try and vote shame 3rd party voters to vote for your shitty politicians because you are so concerned about keeping Republicans out of office. If that were the case you could find the balls to break away from the duopoly and vote for people that might actually represent the working class instead of bankers. But they won't because it would disrupt the destructive status quo that they are comfortable with.
If democrats were truly concerned about keeping republicans out of office they need to make the moral choice and vote 3rd party.
Um... that would put Trump in office. I have no idea what sort of "logic" you used to come up with that one.
We are not voting for your shitty candidates, so if you were truly concerned about keeping Republicans out you would fall in line and vote 3rd party. The status quo you protect only helps the bankers and corporations that run our government and ficks over the working class and poor.
How does voting third party keep Republicans out?
It doesn't... but watch for the active accounts that push apathy leading into the next election. It's going to be a common pattern.
Keeps Democrats and Republicans out, both are inefficient running a government that represents the working class
Good luck with that.
The guy needs to retire and the left knows it.
Unlike Trump, who is- checks notes- three years younger than Biden.
And uhm -checks notes- is an alledged criminal
Just because Trump’s almost as old doesn’t mean the left has to pick a fossil to run alongside him. Why give the GOP a handicap when we know the alternative is the death of democracy in America?
And who else has a better shot of beating Trump? If you reused the 2020 primary list, would any of them fare better? No.
Biden sucks but he’s the best they have still.
Kennedy, bringing a centrist Democrat will decimate the the right. I'm a Republican and I will vote for Kennedy if he gets the D nod. We all know he won't but thats the current state of affairs.
We need to get back to sanity, we need centrists. We need unity and a candidate like Kennedy will get us back on track.
I type faster than I think and left out a few bits.
Kennedy the antivaxxer and antisemitic conspiracy theorist? He’s not a centrist and he has no political experience. He would lose most Democratic votes and gain a sliver of votes from Republicans.
Enough trolling. You’re not serious if you think RFK Jr is a centrist.
Antisemitic? Antivax? How but maybe the is guy asks the questions we need answered?
No, YOU need to find a library and read up on why vaccines are proven not to cause autism and why RFK is grifting you for money. Once you get past that then we can talk about centrism in America.
When did I say vaccines cause autism? He hasn't got a nickle from me I just agree with his stance on many topics? He is far more center than any other candidate from the left or the right.
But I'll get on that library membership ASAP, thankfully its not two blocks from me.
Yes, we definitely "need" the question of "did the Chinese create COVID as a bioweapon but spared their Jewish allies" answered. That needs a deep investigation for sure because it's just so plausible.
You vote for the Siberian candidate then. RFK is a Wagner shit weasel.
You may want to talk to someone... IDK what a siberian candidate is or how wagner equates to RFK. I would like to hear more about this as I am generally mystified on this.
Fortunately, Google can answer all of these questions for you.
The only one charismatic enough would be B. Sander. Kennedy's an idiot, sorry to say
I’m still of the opinion that Bernie would’ve beat Trump in 2016.
I mean this is pure anecdotal evidence but since I'm on the other side of the Atlantic I don't know what reality is like. However I read a lot of opinions that were positive towards Bernie, he has quite powerful arguments and is focused on the good things. Felt like real grassroots.
Then again, I'm not sure it's possible. Wall Street literally conspired to coup the gubernment when they didn't get what they want. Who killed Kennedy?
If Bernie was an option, I’m certain he would’ve won. Still, you’re not wrong about people in power not being huge fans of the guy.
You will never get that commie elected and that why the DNC dumps him every time. But he doesn't have the sand to go Ross and run 3rd party because he knows he will be on the outs w/ the DNC
Do please define "commie" and explain how Bernie Sanders fits that mold.
He's the only one that I've heard people actually support, not being a wall street henchman. Remember the literal train wreck where they "had to" poison the whole area by burning toxic substances? Remember how the corporations lied to everyone about it?
But surely this was a one off and not the status quo
How many houses does he own? Champion of the people he is not. He's just as corrupt and thats why he steps aside when he gets passed over. He is a wimp. If that guy had a set he would have run in 2016 as an independent, but nope he towed the DNC line. BS is BS
Did he steal the houses? He worked tirelessly for, I don't know how long, with a voting history favouring workers' rights. We don't know what backroom deals are made, but I'm sure Wall Street would hate it if their puppets lost
Sorry, but, the Democratic Party are not supporting a conspiracy theorist. As a progressive one, it is just not gonna happen. I vote progressive on the downballot and pick the most reasonable choice on the primary, and this year, that would be Biden. You're free to write him in though.
“The left”. Who dat?
do you really want to see the poll numbers for a harris (the incumbent vp) vs trump matchup? that is, if harris could even make it through the democratic primaries?
Harris would never make it, that idiot giggle turns off everyone. Also is she Black or Indian? Seems to change with the breeze, and dumb as a box of hammers.
RFK is the only hope for the DNC.
And I don't think he would make it, I'm guessing Republicans will win. "Bidennomics" is enough to sink the DNC's chances.
Also is she Black or Indian? Seems to change with the breeze
Do you also say that about whether Obama is white or black or does this only apply to mixed-race people whose parents are both brown?
Lmao imagine thinking RFK is going anywhere but to YouTube and substack after his "campaign"
Dude is a grifter here to grift you
She can be both you know.. please tell me you aren't this stupid.
Biden is starting to make Palin look competent
He’d have to trip over a couple thousand more sand bags to reach the level Palin’s stupidity
"God save the Queen"
Right? I'm a Republican and that train wreck still haunts me... I can see russia from my porch. Like hillary landing under sniper fire, how do these people not see how dumb they are acting?
It's almost like every election, looking back, the republicans are embarrassed about their choice. Funny how that works out. But THIS TIME, this time the candidate is a god. Can't possibly be the same situation, where you'll support anyone with an R, and then in 10 years tell everyone you never supported them, or are embarrassed by them.
Who's God? First of you can't identify God. God is everything, under a rock I find God. We are dealing with something bigger than us.
DNC has shit candidates, its gonna end badly.
Yeah. I wonder which candidate has supporters who hold him up as a god. It's such a mystery.
They forget Biden had to drop out of a prior Presidential campaign because the truth about his outright lies came to the surface.
Plagiarizer, calling the inter city a "jungle" he doesnt want his kids in. How thid guy got elected after how many failed attempts tell me the US has gotten really dumb. Most voted for, my ass.
Nearly dead last in law school, this guy is a train wreck
They'll vote for anything with that D next to their name. BlueMAGA are as cultish as MAGA
Thats what I can't understand, I have crossed the line and have voted blue. But they seem to be incapable of voting for the best interests. Its a cult I agree.
And our best interests are either the guy who believes COVID is a bioweapon that spares Jews or the guy who believes the leader of North Korea has the right idea?