Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report
Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

The former president reportedly relayed his fears to Joe Biden in late June.

Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report
The former president reportedly relayed his fears to Joe Biden in late June.
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I am scared of more years of liberalisations, war, inflation, recession
Given that the US is not at war, inflation has cooled down significantly, and there's no recession, your only cause for concern would be liberalization. That's a personal thing, I guess.
But I'm much more concerned about Republican book banning and that they seem comfortable with taking away women's rights to make their own healthcare decisions. Their war on LGBTQ people is also deeply troubling. I really don't need the government to decide what we can and cannot do in the bedroom.
It's also troubling that Republicans are unwilling to take action on climate, they don't want to look at universal healthcare or finding a way to make college affordable. They also don't engage in racial justice and much, much more.
Their backward worldview is just a complete no-go.
I wouldn't comment on the ham slices put on own eyes about denying war, recession and inflation, because I guess anyone is able to lie for own interests, I don't really care about LGBT as we've wasted already too much time over the 0.% of population and have more broad issue to tackle this generation. Climate action without social justice is just propaganda, and for universal health care, we're now on the 20th birthday of the democrat propaganda about implementing universal health care
But yeah anyone can pick their preferred liar
Hmm. Denying basic human rights to certain groups of people. Seems on par with the Republican Party. Sorry to say, but you're a part of the problem.
You guys lay off hundreds of thousands of workers to increase CEOs bonus and shareholders interest then put on a rainbow flag and everyone is happy, if I am part of the problem it would be better that people like you went exctinct centuries ago
it would be better that people like you went exctinct centuries ago
What's with all the violent rhetoric from your side of the aisle?
It won't help anyone understand you let alone give you a chance to explain yourself. It's really primitive.
Because politics is not a topic for sensitive people who play the informed and socially aware chic person in their higher class circle, while drinking expensive wine, it's sweat blood and pain, you come here holding the left wing flag for some 0.% population right, while the same people are exploiting the working class, and you expect to define what is and what is not the problem, how do you want me to reply, next time, don't tell people they're a problem, don't hold the left wing book of truth, and probably people will answer in a friendly way
We can disagree. That's part of democracy. But you cannot be violent. Not in actuality or in rhetoric. That's exactly what makes people think of your side of the aisle as a bunch of uneducated baboons. And you just proved yourself to be just that.
Okay so you're just your average privileged white guy republican who only cares about your own best interests. Figures you don't get the whole leftist thing lol
I have been socialist all my life, on the side of the working class, it’s already a shame that neoliberals and third way have injected them in the left wing, now imagine if they are the only left wing, I dont get those who want to be activist, you put a rainbow flag on your dick and then the second after you just lay off 10000 workforce and go fuck then all, that’s the left wing?
Let's see here.
Using data from Federal Reserve Economic Data | FRED | St. Louis Fed -
It appears there's GDP growth during a Democratic presidency.
As far as war goes, filtering out the last 50 years, Republicans are the only ones that started wars. Gulf War, War in Afghanistan, Iraq War, and War on Terror. None of which has any justification (despite the last name for the last part, and counterterrorism organizations already exists) or how they're ran for that matter.
Liberalization is based on acceptance of the fact that humans are naturally diverse, and we have different approach. At the end of the day, it is pragmatic with open-mindedness. Nothing to be scared off.
One calls for whataboutism so long to become whataboutist himself? What are you saying? Since Rep. have done it in the past we have to just suck it now?
I'm scared of freedom and American hegemony protecting the world and I have no understanding of economics
Conservatives for you lol
American hegemony protecting the world is the funniest / saddest joke I've read so far in my life, maybe read The Shock Doctrine or The Mafia Allies, or anything about south America/Allende, or anything coming out of wikileaks about the civilians killed in Iraq/Afghanistan or anything that your friends from Saudi Arabia have done in Yemen or what is going on in Palestine from your friends.. Like you can't make that up, but yeah good job world protector
Also I am not from US nor conservative, so I don't really have to lie or hide or distort facts to defend my democrat party overlords
Might wanna give "Pax Americana" a Google.
So you get to kill brownies/blacks around the world, but it’s fine as long as the white ones are at peace?
Why are you so racist bro
I am responsible for what I mean, not what you understand, I think my message was the exact opposite, mean to aim for the world peace of everyone, everywhere, not to consider a good job having peace just for a fraction of the population of the world
If you love the global poor, you love neoliberalism and the pax Americana.
If you don't, I guess be a commie or whatever
Leave ‘em, some people are just clowns who’ll defend the actions of ‘their team’ no matter what.