Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report
Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report

The former president reportedly relayed his fears to Joe Biden in late June.

Barack Obama Is Also Scared Shitless That Donald Trump Could Win Another Term: Report
The former president reportedly relayed his fears to Joe Biden in late June.
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Look, anyone with a working brain should be worried about the prospect, because if he wins, then that means we're in for the worst four years (and probably much longer than four years) of our lives here in the United States. I don't think we come back from that.
If Trump wins re-election, I think it's entirely non-hyperbolic to say that democracy in this country is over. Think of the things he tried to do with some, obviously-too-small, guard rails. He attempted a literal coup. Literally throw away votes. Literally has one of his chief advisors saying that if people protested said coup, they would use the insurrection act, or more directly, use the military to put down to put down those protesting the coup. There is a very small number of things that prevented this from happening, not the least of which is just a tiny handful of people being like "uh, we can't actually do this, right?"
I don't entirely disagree, but it's also true that Trump exposed some serious flaws in our political system, and that serious people have been working very hard since Jan 6th to make it much harder to do what he and his cohorts did. One example would be the supreme court victory that struck down a proposed law that would have allowed state congresses to ignore election results. Not saying everything's okay now, but maybe it's not quite so dire. Of course, most democratic coups happen when an individual or group just decides they won't follow the rules anymore, so there is that little problem with trying to litigate ourselves out of this mess.
Most distressingly, he learned that he has a literal mob/cult willing to stand behind him and do anything he tells them to, no matter how abhorrent.
Correct. Can't let it happen.
Democracy is over…. 🙄
This is absolutely hyperbole
You know, if you skip that first sentence in my comment, what country would you think I was talking about?
Fascism happens slowly, and then all at once. Please, I beg of you, read a book.
He's still working on mein kampf
Too hard for him to he's reading Mein Kampf für Idioten
Please, I beg of you, read a book.
I just read the autobiography of Lemmy Kilmister.
This grants you intelligence +1, use it wisely.
So what book? Donald duck? Mickey mouse?
Try something with crayons. But be careful, trust me those crayons don't taste as good as they look.
uhhh ill trust my marine little brother about the flavor profile of the best wax writing tools. You just might not have the right box of crayons.
Oh no you must be smarter than me by telling me to read a book…
If Trump does win again democracy will not fall under him, this is the type of shit people who are terminally online/terminally on Twitter say.
Lets check back here if he happens to get elected and if you are right I’ll apologize for not seeing it coming and if it’s just another 4 years of a moron running the country but democracy is still a thing you can apologize, I don’t bet much but if money was involved I’d bet I’m right
I bet you were the the type that said that we didn't need to worry about Roe when Trump was campaigning the first time around.
I bet you I never said that and I didn’t give a fuck about Trump because I’m not American, I just find all the shit swirling around him makes people lose their shit and say idiotic things like democracy will die if he’s elected again, it didn’t die the first time and last I checked he’s got 3 or 4 indictments going at the moment, plus now there is a different old idiot running things there is there not?
Could have really saved a lot of time if you started with "I don't know what I'm talking about."
Keep on being right and making all those assumptions and future predictions, you seem to be a political mastermind
I concede to your prodigious intellect, thanks to comment sections on the internet we have probably increased the amount of experts on the planet ten fold, congrats on being one of them
On it!
Rather be right than insane left nowadays.
I mean, they had a reasonable shot at overturning the election. Just a few people did the right thing to stop it, but it could have been bad. Also, the indictments don't mean shit if he's reelected. What do you think happens to this country if he's found guilty and then pardons himself?
The different "old idiot" isn't a fascist. You got any other bullshit we can deal with to make it clear trump is a serious threat?
I’ll reply to you but this also applies to the other idiots, I think trump is a clown, the post I replied to was saying that person was being hyperbolic about democracy being lost if he’s elected, that’s not praise for Trump that’s me calling out that person for saying shit that’s gonna happen in the future like they magically know it’s absolutely going to happen because they hate Trump
I also never said anywhere the other old idiot was a fascist, just that he’s another old idiot
So it’s clear to you Trump is a moron, Biden also a moron, it’s 2 steaming piles of shit one is just less stinky (Biden)
What is clear is that you are lumping Trump and Biden in the same category. That does read in your earlier comments as if you think they are the same in all ways. No, neither are really that great, but one is substantially better than the other.
Ya that’s true I do lump them in the same category all politicians are scumbags but you are right Trump is ultra shit compared to Biden
As a non-American, perhaps you should defer to people less ignorant.
Absolute genius we have here… can’t use basic reasoning skills unless I live in that country..
This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in months
Basic reasoning is no replacement for, you know, living and being immersed in the shitshow. Also, basic reasoning should allow you to recognize the danger of allowing someone that disregards democratic principles to sit at the same table as those that respect and uphold the constitution.
You really don't know anything about the history of the early 20th century, do you?
No what’s that about?
Many never read a book again after high school. Another round never read a book again after college. For those that read or even consume history documentaries will understand Fascism came to power in various countries through their democracies and then they were dismantled after the fact. Many imagine it was pew pew pew early on that occurs. In some cases yes.
Of the many cases last century, there was this one "stupid little corporal" the ruling elite thought they could use and opened the door for him early on. However he legally came to power as far as the system was concerned. The ruling Elite thought they would dispose of him once he served their needs.
Eventually he disposed of this elite that didn't take him seriously, then it was on to the rest of the world to think he was a farcical nut with a God complex they could ignore.
Then it became there isn't any use in calling him a nut, because he is a power and we have to recognize that as the Europe then the world descended further into another round of darkness.
This is not the only example of where those that know no bounds push and topple these systems that were constructed by "gentlemen" of a older time expecting honor and proper decorum to still be a part of the checks and balances. The little German above along with the Italian and Japanese ones did not push their systems legally early on as much as we see in the US today.
Today honor and decorum left the scene long ago so it will be interesting if sleepy and hair sniffing Joe loses to the business fraud, tax evading, alleged rapist, and coup inspiring white supremacist con man where things will go next time around. At the very least environmental safe guards and agencies will be the first to go. The rest will be much more interesting...
Ye, they are, acktchually.
Great point thanks for adding to the discussion
I do so try
There's no reasoning with these guys. You immediately get thrown out and called names over names. The slight issue here, I'm a third party and don't even support neither of these, yet only a certain side calls me names and accuses me of shit.
I can see how and why Trump is set to win this election. Good luck to you guys with four more years with the guy.
We haven't come back from his actual four years yet, and probably won't for a very long time. The prospect of him returning to finish the country off is a nightmare.
Not just for you guys but the world. The world as we know it is at stake as USA is currently the world's superpower.
So, so sorry about that.
Last time I checked, Trump pulled troops out of Middle East and Asia, where US destabilized many countries. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, Trump is much better.
Source: Living right next to those countries and have friends who fled from such countries.
the only thing Trump did for the rest of the world was give us something to laugh at. Problem is 30% of you guys still don't see the joke
Do you really think rest of the world isn't laughing at you with Biden in power? There's always something to laugh at.
I mean we really don't laugh at Biden. he's just some generic politician as far as we (the rest of the world) are concerned.
its just the brain-dead Trump nuts who seem to think we see him the same as those lunatics
I don't understand the second point. Who's seeing who like "those lunatics?"
its not that hard mate.
and case in point why we are still laughing
I'm not a mind reader, I don't know who's who according to you.
You have a president that barely can talk, barely can walk. I've seen edits of it in European languages shared around in Instagram and media. And in Eastern European countries, your army having diversity hires is a laughing material. I've seen soldiers laughing at that first hand. Because for them, every soldier must meet incredibly high standards where just having a scar could get you eliminated.
I don't know who's fault is what, but people are still laughing at you. You could build a utopia and people will still find something to laugh at. Therefore it's not really logical to compare "who's more of a laughing stock than other."
i dont even have a president in my country, unless you count maybe president of some company. 'barely walk, barely talk' - are we talking about the covfefe drinking, hamberder eating idiot here? i guess the yanks had one of those. biden could literally be any one of the other forgettable world leaders like macron, trudeau, albanaese, the british guy, the danish chick, who cares. they are administrators.
you on the other hand seem obsessed with biden specifically. given the way you write, it sounds like your not even american, so why exactly does bidens ability to walk have to do with you exactly? are we both laughing at america but you think its because biden 'cant walk'? because its pretty obvious I'm personally laughing at america because they elected an ape that cant string a tweet (edit, an X) together yet somehow half the country think he's god
Bud we were watching american politics from our respective countries, it was like a simpson episode
Exactly my point lmao.
How idiotic.
Which countries were better off with Trump in power?
Syria, Iran and Iraq are the ones closest to me.
Can you please provide specific items Trump did that made any of those places better.
By.., not being there? Interfering less? The worst the army did was to left behind ammunition for Taliban to take in Afghanistan.
Compare and contrast this to one of the major reasons for Syrian conflict and complete chaos it (US) brought to Iraq; that's nothing.
Afghanistan is pretty fucked now because of the Taliban
Fine. Cool. Incredibly good, aktuly.
Y'all, I found your problem.
Do you seriously think people are better off in Afghanistan now? Fucking hell you're deluded.
I think it will take a generation to repair all the damage that the country suffered since the 2002 invasion and occupation. Getting out from under an occupation government that regularly dropped bombs and mortars across its surface, sent in teams of assassins to execute local leadership, and looted the treasure for two decades running was a necessary first step to recovery. But it won't be any kind of place you'd want to live, any more than Iran was after the '79 revolution or Vietnam was once Ford finally pulled us out of Saigon. It will take a generation or more to repair the damage, assuming some new assholes don't invade again.
Almost as if US fueled it all by breaking the existing government to break down huh
Tribalism at its finest
So, your friends have moved back then?
No, they haven't. It's the thing with fucking up entire countries; they never really get healed. It's just that less and less people are running away that it's getting more and more stable each year.
And outside the US. With Trump, russia might even try to take a bite out of NATO