The problem with GIMP
The problem with GIMP

GIMP was named after a character in Pulp Fiction. More than 20 years later, the name remains controversial and could be holding back the project.

The problem with GIMP
GIMP was named after a character in Pulp Fiction. More than 20 years later, the name remains controversial and could be holding back the project.
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Its such a shitty backronym. All because someone had watched pulp fiction and decided it was funny.
Gimp is never going to spread as much as it needs to because of this name. Imagine telling your mother that she should go download "gimp" without feeling embarrassed.
I don't think the name is why it isn't used so much. I think it's because it's un-intuitive and almost incomparable to non-destructive/parametric professional programs. You can't even change text after applying a style... for many, things like this makes it practically useless for real work.
Someone already tried to fork GIMP in order to change the name (Glimpse)... it didn't work and they gave up.
I'm not saying its solely the name, I'm saying its the earliest stumbling point for getting people to use it
The only time I have ever heard of anyone complaining about the name were literally the Glimpse devs themselves.