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  • There aren’t going to BE any more elections after that.

    I'm calling bullshit on this. The president is not king and he cannot make himself king.

    And if it does happen, if Democrats have allowed us to get to this point they are worse than useless and voting never mattered to begin with.

    I'm at peace with the possibility that there may be no democratic way out of this in the end. I'm willing to give the Democrats one last window to understand what they need to do to win elections, but if they can't accept that lesson and they let the fascists walk all over them, so be it.

    Then it becomes a time for resistance and revolution. People need to be preparing now, whether it happens or not. Your mentality needs to evolve to meet the reality of your situation.

    • So now you're willfully ignoring Project 2025, and Trump stating he is going to be dictator day 1. Not only that, but with a compromised judicial and legislative branch, you really are gonna sit there and say:

      I'm calling bullshit on this. The president is not king and he cannot make himself king.

      You're not sincere, and if you are, I now can see why you're doubling down on stupidity.

      • No, I'm just realistic. As I said, I'm prepared for the real possibility of Project 2025 (which the GOP is not going to give up on just because Trump loses). Are you? You don't strike me as ready for what that will require from the American people.

        Biden Democrats aren't going to confront Project 2025, if they were serious about avoiding that they'd be throwing themselves in front of Biden to stop him continuing his support of genocide.

        Notice how Democrats aren't actually acting with any urgency though? How they'll keep repeating that our democracy is at stake but won't make a single compromise or sacrifice to their constituents to ensure they win this election. Do you fucking notice that?

        • It seems clear to me that you really want this to become a reality even though, as you stated before that your life would be in danger. So again, it's hard to believe that you want to avoid this when you're actively campaigning for the US to be an authoritarian state.

          • No. I decidedly don't fucking want it, but pretending that I do is literally the only way you'll allow yourself to understand what I'm saying to you because to actually parse the words I'm actually saying you'd have to admit to the possibility that the lesser of two evils may not be a solution.

            You'd have to hold that idea in your brain and extrapolate its consequences. And you just can't bring yourself to imagine that, because you don't want to admit what's happening to this country and what groups have been complicit.

            So you lie to yourself in real time about what I'm saying, protecting your bubble, projecting your deluded thinking onto me.

            • I don't have to pretend at all. Everything you've said on this entire post shows you want this to happen. I don't believe at all your life is in danger. You WANT this to happen. You keep trying to cosplay as some revolutionary hero acting as if you're going to be about it if the time ever comes. We have a term for people like you, keyboard warrior.

              • Point to where I said I want the worst option.

                You are claiming that if I don't buy into your delusional fantasy that must mean I want to be where your politics have landed us. It's incoherent and patently dishonest, but it's the only way you can create a narrative for yourself wherein you can avoid ever entertaining the possibility that you're wrong, that history has proved you wrong already.

                We're having this very conversation because of the lesser of two evil strategy, that's why Trump won, it's why Bush won, it's why RvW got overturned, it's why healthcare is still broken, it's why there's a genocide going on and you're telling me it's a "lesser" evil.

                • You are claiming that if I don't buy into your delusional fantasy that must mean I want to be where your politics have landed us. It's incoherent and patently dishonest, but it's the only way you can create a narrative for yourself wherein you can avoid ever entertaining the possibility that you're wrong, that history has proved you wrong already.

                  And the irony is lost on you.

                  • I don't have to guess whether you're right or not, because we're literally living your politics right now. We are witnessing its abject failure at this very moment.

                    And it looks exactly like genocide and slow complicity into fascist decay.

                    • I don't have to guess whether you're right or not, because we're literally living your politics right now. We are witnessing its abject failure at this very moment.

                      Go on, tell me more.

                      • Am I talking to a bot?

                        Tell you more about how conservative democrats have been controlling the party for decades and now, mysteriously, we're at fascism's door? That's what you're asking me? Why I believe obstructionist, right-wing Democrats don't represent a way forward?

                        Go look how many Democrats voted for Citizens United. How many Democrats voted for the Patriot Act. How many Democrats voted to invade Iraq, voted to send no strings attached military aid to Israel again and again. How about ask yourself why Democrats didn't legislate bodily autonomy under Obama when they had a super majority and he literally promised it would be his first priority. Ask yourself why they instead chose to pass a forced private insurance bill that was literally crafted by Republicans. They had a fucking super majority and they still managed to lose.

                        Go back and rewatch Biden idiotically babbling about "rEaChInG aCRoSs tHe AiSlE" to the literal fascists during his campaign, immediately after we just witnessed a Trump presidency and saw that the GOP was full on fascist.

                        Like how many more of these bumbling corporate idiots will it take for the penny to drop and make you finally realize "Wait a second....the lesser of two evils literally isn't delaying fascism at all!"

                        Tell me exactly how many more lesser of two evils we need to dutifully elect until we stop trending towards fascism.

    • I’m at peace with the possibility that there may be no democratic way out of this in the end. I’m willing to give the Democrats one last window to understand what they need to do to win elections, but if they can’t accept that lesson and they let the fascists walk all over them, so be it.

      "If the entire democratic party doesn't do what I want, fascists win"

      Sounds like what a fascist would say. Go fight your violent revolution in your mind, which is the only place you'll be surviving. Absolutely fucking unhinged.

      • What I want is, as a basic fucking starting point, a party that does not support genocide.

        Yeah, I know, too much to ask right? Why am I sooooo demanding and unbending. It's just some brown people, geez, we kill them all the time. Right guys?

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