I don't think Trump thought he would win, so he was unprepared, and he had some of the most incompetent people possible around him. He and the people around him will be prepared this time. A plan has already been drafted (Project 2025) by, presumably, intelligent people at right-wing think-tanks. Also, his rhetoric has changed, becoming similar to other historical and current dictators, and his "policies" have become more fascist (e.g. rounding up 11 million people in the U.S. for detention and forcible relocation).
Furthermore, while he was president, he did do some pretty dictator-like things. He had federal officers in unmarked vans abduct protestors with bags over their heads. He had the US Marshals assassinate Michael Reinoehl. He tried to get election results changed. And he tried a coup.
I think his, and his future administration's goal will be to establish a one-party-rule, similar to Russia's, with a more christofascist flavor. His and his family's personal goals will be to enrich themselves by selling-out the state, and the christofascist stuff just provides them with the coalition they need to do so.
He had federal officers in unmarked vans abduct protestors with bags over their heads. He had the US Marshals assassinate Michael Reinoehl.
Is there evidence of this? And I mean actual evidence. Photos, videos, similar statements from unconnected sources?
Evidence is light, inconclusive, but there. Which isn't unsurprising, given the "blue wall of silence." I'm going to lean on trusting protestors and reputable news orgs and journalists over the government and criminal justice system. Just like I don't think politicians in Russia just have bad luck with windows or coming into contact with poisonous substances.
This is as I suspected.
It frightens me how much of your own bias colors your judgement. You have drawn wild "conclusions" (for a lack of a better term) based on something that is barely consider evidence (evidence maybe, certainly not proof).
Meh. Absolute proof only exists in mathematics. You have to make inferences at some point. To me, my "conclusions" seem obvious. If it walks and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. If the evidence of Trump's character was only just one data point, I would just give them the benefit of the doubt. But, his campaign is promoting Nazi propaganda. He says he'll be a dictator on day one. The heritage foundation says a second U.S. revolution is coming, which will be bloodless, if the "left" doesn't fight back. There's just so much evidence of Trump's character, and the far-right's stated plans, the "conclusion" os inescapable. Anyone who says otherwise is just putting on blinders or being willfully ignorant, IMO.
Your hatred for Trump is blinding you to other, more likely conclusions. These individuals could have just as easily acted on their own. Or, since the man who was killed murdered a man not long before his own death, it could have all gone down as the police stated (though the lack of video from any vehicle or body came is odd).
If you would simply admit to this, it would be unfortunate, but the fact that you've convinced yourself you have come to the right conclusion, and anyone who doesn't agree with you is ignorant, is frightening. I would encourage you to perform some level of self reflection, using this situation as an example.
The actual facts are this: there is zero evidence Trump ordered anyone kidnapped into unmarked vans, and there is zero evidence he ordered anyone to be killed. Now, that doesn't mean other people didn't give these orders, but there is no evidence of that either.
Please stop spreading false information and propaganda. All your doing is adding to the culture war. Trump has done plenty of heinous shit in his life. No need to make stuff up.
Do you understand how this is propaganda lines? They want you scared so you vote how they want. I would tell you how Biden is much much worse, but you have been indoctrinated.
Ok please tell me.
Lets take the one you guys dont understand how bad it is. The Saudis are not going to sell the oil in USD anymore after decades directly due to Biden admin.
I suspect most of your audience here isn't going to be strongly swayed by missing out on oil. Got anything else?
Yeah exactly, you dont understand what the this means or the actual implications it. Its literally the beginning of the unraveling of the dollar. You guys need to actually listen to people that explain these things to you, not just give you more propaganda.
Lmao no it isn't. It's completely insignificant and barely even qualifies as news.
The US Dollar is strong because we have the largest economy in the world, not because of the good will of some oil exporter.
At least google things before spreading insane misinformation.
Research two things: petro dollar and world reserve currency. Until you understand what is going on with those you wont be able to have a educated opinion.
Don't tell other people to do things that you clearly haven't done yourself.
Sigh, stay ignorant dude.
Worse than how many guilty counts?
This literally goes to my point...
You need to read about Project 2025.
You mean the republicans would do what the dems have been doing and make less of it?
The fuck are you talking about dude. At this point I'm convinced you're either a Russian troll or a tRump supporter.
I am talking about the democrats that would do anything for power. Just take a peak at one of the top stories right now, AOC wants to replace the supreme court because she didnt like what they did.
Any reasonable person wants to replace the supreme court.
The wackjobs have placed the president above the law in a the worst ruling since Dred Scott v. Sandford.
I can agree that the president shouldnt be above the law, but its just how it has been for decades. And getting mad about it and wanting to take you ball home is just childish. AOC has no integrity, she just wants to win.