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Jack Black ends Tenacious D over Kyle Gass Trump Comment - You Either Die a Cringe Prince or Live Long Enough to Become a Pathetic Beeyotch

the details (via Variety Magazine):

Kyle Gass, true heart of the poster, put the tenacious in tenacious d, Jack Black, true pants of the pisser, put the money in his mouth and his whole ass in front of the camera


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  • I saw them once, it sucked. Everybody else loved it, but it just felt incredibly... mechanical? Had a friend who worked backstage who told me they had a massive clock and whenever they ran off stage they would look at the clock to see how much of the show they had left (and also where in the show they were of course).
    Very professional and very very very inpersonal. Doesn't have a whole lot to do with this, but just gotta say I've been disappointed by Jack Black since that concert years ago.

    • Had a friend who worked backstage who told me they had a massive clock and whenever they ran off stage they would look at the clock to see how much of the show they had left (and also where in the show they were of course).

      sorry to defend the lib but did the venue happen to have a curfew? I have had to do this before because I didn't want to get my band's set shut off mid song. some places are ridiculously strict about this (even giant places like Madison Square Garden can do this.)

      • No it was a festival and they had a large buffer so they could easily have gone over time, or so I'm told.
        They'd been booked to play an hour, they played an hour to the minute. There's nothing wrong with doing that, it just didn't feel like they wanted to be there at all and they didn't really give a damn about the show, more like they'd just clocked in to work. I'm sure it's like that for a lot of people, but it was just really obvious with these guys. It just felt like aassive façade and it's been feeling like that ever since.

        It's really just me being crotchety considering the fact most everyone loved it

        • No it was a festival

          And this is why I will never go to a festival to see a band I like. Festivals are always like this.

          • I've seen a lot of fantastic concerts at festivals. Interestingly Paul McCartney was incredible, stayed an hour over time, pulled members of the audience up on stage, played all the hits and had a cool show.
            Seen Rammstein, Slipknot, Amon Amarth and so many more at festivals and had a blast. Not to mention all the techno. Smaller bands are what you go there for tho, they really give it their all

    • To add to this, Jack Black just feels so early 2000s, South Park kinda edgy. The uncharismatic, unsmart white guy who ROCKS is so fucking tiring now.

      • Dude has huge youth pastor energy and somehow everyone eats it up

        • Every single movie he’s the same character going “be-deedlee-dee” and everyone thinks it’s hilarious. Always seemed like his audience would be entertained with keys jangling in front of their faces

          • I liked him in School of Rock and Kung Fu Panda...
            I did also recently acquire a keychain that allows for more jangling, so you might be on to something.

            What you're describing is also just most actors that got big in the 00's or '10s. They're all typecast to shit, something in those decades just demanded you do the same shtick forever. This one isn't much better when you're looking at people like we-are-not-the-same

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