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Check out the hilarious "South Park of X" Cartoon from Dave Rubin (CW: Transphobia)
  • NGL I don't know who he is. (don't worry, I don't feel you're attacking me)

  • Story's of dudes who were creeps to women you guys know?
  • I like to think that things are a lot better now, because I never see this. But who knows. I also don't know that the school system culture is like in your area.

    The worst-worst I've seen now is a male teacher asking too personal questions. Still bad, but not anywhere near the level of having a relationship with them.

  • Story's of dudes who were creeps to women you guys know?
  • This was a problem back in the day. Like "we just started dating after she graduated". Nowadays it's a big no no, it's just assume that the teacher, at best was grooming her when she was in his care.

  • Story's of dudes who were creeps to women you guys know?
  • If you listen to really old teachers and staffroom gossip, that shit was really common and even accepted 30+ years ago. Like teachers would marry their former students.

    This is 100% hearsay, so don't @ me if it's bullshit.

  • Story's of dudes who were creeps to women you guys know?
  • Lonnnnnnng time ago there was a teacher I worked with, and he hooked up with a student. She was 18, so it was "legal", although he did get sacked. Laws and norms have changed a lot in the past 20+ years, nowadays he would probably face more legal consequences.

    I'm randomly look at his LinkedIn once in a while. Nowadays he's only teaching adults, despite having credentials to teach kids. I'm assuming that you can't go into a school after that.

  • Someone said this was a "good Wojack" meme. So I guess I'll share it.
  • Just need to make "Falling Rate of Profit" bigger

  • Check out the hilarious "South Park of X" Cartoon from Dave Rubin (CW: Transphobia)
  • I didn't realise this was the dunk tank, took the title of this post literally, and I was shocked at how bad leftists would write comedy.

  • Fascism and Falsifying Science, Name a more Iconic Duo
  • Feck my effort comment didn't post.

    Tldr: meta analysis get peer reviewed like any sort of study.

  • Fascism and Falsifying Science, Name a more Iconic Duo
  • I need to scream over and over. The Cass Review is not peer reviewed. Scientifically, it's a blog paid for by NHS.

  • When I go bride-shopping in a developing region, I buy American, baby!
  • When I marry my rural Amerikan bride, she must convert to Marxist-Leninist-Bidenism. Once a year we'll go back to her shithole state, like Connecticut or something, for whatever cracker holiday they celebrate there. Maybe Arbor Day, that sounds the least terrible.

  • Why are so many books utterly and totally lacking in physical descriptions of characters?
  • Older text was more visually descriptive. Dunno what else you'd like, comrade.

  • I know literally nothing about Sunak or Starmer
  • Starmer was literally knighted by the queen, but somehow he's the "man of the people".

  • Why are so many books utterly and totally lacking in physical descriptions of characters?
  • I'm pretty sure older works were very heavy on physical descriptions. And then moving pictures came around, and readers didn't care as much about visual characteristics as they did the plot.

    If you read Victorian era stuff, FFS they don't stop describing how things look.

  • Britain fucking jailed people for being gay in the 80s Jailed gay soldier: ‘Return of cap badge is a proud moment and it has given me closure’

    Veteran talks of his pride and says he would now encourage any young gay person to join the Army

    Jailed gay soldier: ‘Return of cap badge is a proud moment and it has given me closure’

    > Jailed gay soldier: ‘Return of cap badge is a proud moment and it has given me closure’

    > Veteran talks of his pride and says he would now encourage any young gay person to join the Army

    > A former member of the Armed Forces who was jailed for kissing a fellow serviceman in the 1980s has become one of the first gay veterans to have his ceremonial cap badge returned to him.

    > Stephen Close, 61, was court-martialled, discharged with disgrace, imprisoned and placed on the sex offenders register for having a relationship with a fellow soldier.

    > Earlier this week, he was invited to the Royal Fusiliers’ regimental headquarters at the Tower of London to re-receive his military cap and badge, 40 years after his discharge.

    > Mr Close, from Salford, Greater Manchester, said: “It was a proud moment for me. It took a lifetime, but it came and it has given me closure.”

    > Mr Close was stationed in Berlin in 1983 when he became romantically engaged with a fellow male soldier after a night out. However, they were seen by a colleague who reported them. Restoring cap badges to discharged service personnel was among the recommendations made by an LGBT independent veterans review

    > He said he was questioned by the Greater Manchester Police and swabbed for a DNA sample before being paraded around the base in front of his colleagues. He was then charged for gross indecency, jailed for six months, and discharged from the Army.

    > Mr Close and his boyfriend served their time in separate prisons and never saw each other again. While in prison, he was forced to wear a red ribbon to mark him out to guards and fellow inmates.

    > “In Nazi Germany, gays had to wear pink triangles, I had to wear a red ribbon,” he said.

    > “I suffered with anxiety for a long time. It was frustrating really, it took a toll on my mental health. It wasn’t just the court case, it was the total abandonment from my military mates, who knew who I was. That hurt.”

    > Homosexuality was decriminalised in 1967, but it remained an offence in the Armed Forces until 1994. A ban on homosexuals serving in the British military was not lifted until 2000.

    > Following Mr Close’s release from prison, he remained on the sex offenders register and was unable to work with children or vulnerable people until he was given a royal pardon in 2013 – the same year that Alan Turing, the mathematician and code-breaker, was posthumously pardoned by Queen Elizabeth II. ‘Too ashamed’

    > Restoring cap badges to discharged service personnel was among the recommendations made by an LGBT independent veterans review last year.

    >Mr Close said that for years he had felt “too ashamed” to attend Remembrance events and had found it too painful to attend regimental reunions.

    > He said: “There were a lot of people in the room that day that came in after the ban was lifted.

    > “My battalion has been quite proud to recruit LGBT recruits to demonstrate they’re openly accepting of gay people. I would encourage any young gay person to join the Army now, but it’s taken a while. Even a few years after the ban was lifted, I wouldn’t have, but I would now.

    > “People are accepting it more now, eventually it will just become the norm. It’s a good thing.”

    Uh oh. DPRK is a slave state according to liberal NGO 😱
  • Here's the absolute knobhead who funds this shit. He should be gulaged, not given heaps of unelected political power.

  • Why after nearly a decade, I am finally at peace with not browsing Twitter (CW: Transphobia)
  • You're 100% correct. I still use Twitter because it's safer at work than hexbear, and I have a well cultivated walled garden of Marxists and COVID safe people. The BlueBlocker extension makes things much more tolerable.

    I'm sure I'll be at the same place that you are in soon. I've already left reddit-logo and Facebook.

  • How do you get white men at your org to shut the fuck up and make space for other people?
  • Very true. I will try to implement this in the future.

    I just read all this as stern words from the angry Lenin in your profile pic

  • How do you get white men at your org to shut the fuck up and make space for other people?
  • I honestly don't know. Usually they're lib to left, but their politics always at least slightly problematic. Maybe they don't deserve my politeness.

  • How do you get white men at your org to shut the fuck up and make space for other people?

    I've had a few events so far where the discussion/feedback part had 1-2 white guys doing longgggg monologues about something unrelated to the main topic. Last time had some stoner guy ranting about the confusing service at airports here (the event was about Gaza). Before that it was some boomer guy trying to explain Madonna to the non-white teens in our group (the event was about trans rights). Sometimes it's just two white guys monologuing back and forth. It's super counter productive and cringe.

    I'm just thinking of a hard rule. Like "if you're a white guy, you're welcome, but please try to listen more and keep unrelated monologues to a minimum."

    For the record, I am a white dude.

    Helpful life tip

    I follow this person on Twitter, and I'm sure she means this literally, and I'm OK with it.

    Racists in the 50s [OC]

    My centrist parents put this own nonstop. The songs play in my head nearly every day.

    Here's your reminder not to support Intel Press Release: BDS movement launches #BoycottIntel global campaign

    Apartheid Chips -#BoycottIntel! No tech for apartheid, no tech for genocide!

    Press Release: BDS movement launches #BoycottIntel global campaign

    > “Intel has been aiding and abetting Israel’s apartheid for decades, feeding its war chest, and now it is directly feeding its war chest while it continues its unspeakable genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip. Intel is complicit in Israel’s genocide and its underlying system of apartheid. Intel’s M.O. seems to be, ‘Make Apartheid Great Again!’”

    Please buy another chip. If possible, avoid positive coverage of Intel on social media, including Lemmy. Thank you.

    So many mods and admins are petite bourgeois, and it changes the culture of the internet to reflect their interests (no not Hexbear and Lemmygrad)

    I know a couple reddit mods IRL, and they're both business owners who can take time away and volunteer for hours a day on their phones. I've also seen enough Facebook mods, where you can see the uni and school they went to and its posh as fuck.

    I'm definitely very supportive of modding. I think it's super that people volunteer their time to make communities safer. I just see that often those with the free time time have more income. One obvious example is Wikipedia, like the administrators are often there for much of the day. I know that there's a lot of Amerikan funding of Wikipedia editors, and this just makes it worse. I can't give up hours of every day to correct an obvious error, because there's some chud that's online 16 hours a day, who will revert any edit, and flood any noticeboard with tediousness.

    I guess it applies to a lot of democracy "leadership" positions. Ideally workers would be filling those roles, but often we're too worn out to do much other than just show up.

    Horse people and horse riding is my pet peeve

    I get this because people in my wider wider circle post or talk about their riding, and people in the comments treat horse trainers like they're doing a public service, taking those poor lovely animals out for a stroll or a obstacle course run. And the hobby is such an Instagramable activity because posh people do it, therefore it's cool. There's something attractive to rich people about someone on a horse with tight horse gear clothes.

    I need to stress it: riding and owning a horse is expensive af. Even the lessons are absurdly expensive. No one in my circle of friends or even extended family does it. And the hobby is basically just golf in terms of environmental costs. Horses require a fuck ton of water and create a fuck ton more of shit, and they require an ungodly amount of land. I just assume that the labour for feeding and cleaning is done by immigrants, and white people get to to do the cool jobs like training.

    Horse people like to brag that many/most of the world's monarchies and aristocracy is really into riding. To me, that should be a massive slight. If Elizabeth and Charles's favourite sport was horsing, that should be a big red flag.

    And what gets to me is how horse people are all like "I love my horses". Like I'm sorry, Brett, but if you loved that animal, you wouldn't put a bit in their mouth and make them carry you around. Horse injuries with riders are very common, especially spinal injuries because weight has been placed on where it wasn't designed for weight.

    I get in trouble because I point this out and every middle class person in the room gets super upset that their lovely horse hero got their hobby attacked.

    Note: this post is only for white horse people. I don't know about nor have an opinion on non-Western horse activities.

    FB/IG ignoring Islamophobia and transphobia. I wish there was a place that disgruntled users could post ignored reports [CW for bigotry]

    I'm not even talking 5D chess, mid-tier bigotry that people used to get past censors before 2020. Now it's all x ethnic group = violence shit, and FB/IG gets the report and says that it doesn't violate their hate speech rules. And a lot of my lefty friends are complaining about this too. With a war going on, clearly it's in !amerikkka 's best interests to dial up the racism. I just fucking hate it that Meta is allowed to do this.

    Ukraine halts passport services for men living abroad

    > Ukraine is cutting off consular services for its male citizens who live outside the country. The measure aims to force men back home to serve in the military, but some doubt its efficacy — and legality.

    > "Good thing that I got my passport last year in Cologne and don't have to go back to the consulate," said Oleg from Kyiv, who didn't give his last name. Today, he lives with his wife and three children in Germany. That was his reaction to a statement from Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba announcing that male citizens of military age who currently live outside Ukraine will no longer have access to full consular services. The measure is primarily aimed at individuals who have not registered with the military.

    > "Living abroad does not relieve a citizen of his or her duties to their homeland," Kuleba wrote Tuesday on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter, adding that he called for the measures to guarantee, "fair treatment of men of mobilization age in Ukraine and abroad."

    How the fuck do we defend something as a "just war" when the citizens are desperately trying not to die in it???

    Learning French in school is functionally the same as learning Latin

    Like everybody in France under 45 is fluent in English, and who the fuck wants to talk to an older European. Every single French colony without exception is phasing out or has phased out the use of French as France was such an awful colonial power. Did you know that Eclair is pronounced aey-clare? This does nothing for me. I guess some people want to read Les Miserables in the original Foot Mold Language, just like random people enjoy reading Ovid or Cicero in Catholic script.. And just like Latin, fuck that everything has genders and complicated conjugation.

    I swear, the French teachers in school were trying to impart the vibe that if we know the French language, French women would have sex with us.

    I refuse to defend any facts that I asserted in this essay.

    How bad is it that I still don't use reusable cups at work?

    Don't be nice, be honest. I can take some critique.

    I actually used to do the no plastic thing until COVID, since then I've been paranoid about sharing the same public water thing as people who aren't careful. I'm not saying that's a good reason, the risks are certainly much lower than breathing in infected air, and probably pretty low in general.

    I'm also aware that the whole personal responsibility thing is pretty neoliberal. I think there are limits to that argument, like I'm a vegan, mask wearing, public transit taking human.

    Edit: I have a cup of coffee in the morning and another bottle of water at lunch.

    The Cass Review: meet the newest fake science used to roll back trans healthcare in England and the world

    I fell down the rabbit hole with that last NY Times article. The scientists involved are all part of the wider anti-trans movement, and the methodology is pretty shit.

    Some tidbits:

    >The final Cass Report has been out for less than a week, and already several groups such as Trans Actual[1], Trans Safety Network[2], and Transgender Action Bloc[3] have issued statements pointing out its worrying implications and shaky grounding. And now instead of talking about how the NHS has failed and is still failing trans children through long waiting lists and a lack of certainty, we have to talk about this review which failed to meaningfully address any of those issues.

    >Our aim here is not to outline the contents of the report in full. Others have produced summaries and highlighted major takeaways, such as in these articles by PinkNews[4] and the Guardian[5]. There has also been reporting on the flawed methodologies[6] underpinning the report’s supplementary research, and how the people involved[7] in conducting the research may have biassed its conclusions. Unfortunately this report has huge implications for what the NHS is going to do next, and what life will be like for trans people, especially children and young people, in the coming years.

    >We contend that the Cass Review is not fit for purpose. We suggest that it was not merely knocked off course by a flawed methodology. We believe the Cass Report is a deliberate part of a political project aiming to reduce the availability of trans healthcare, possibly eventually in its entirety. It is imperative that we understand this and act on it. The people who made it happen and are taking action based on it must be held accountable. For all these reasons, we believe the Cass Report must be thrown out entirely.

    >An ‘Independent Review’

    >The Cass Report has completely failed in its remit as an independent review. The research underpinning the review and its conclusions has fundamental flaws in its methodology which have led it to exclude a huge swathe of the relevant evidence and experience that exists in the field of trans healthcare. The review also has connections to prominent anti-trans figures and groups at a variety of levels, including conversion therapy advocates, who seem to have influenced the report from its rhetoric down to the design of its research.

    NYTimes elevates personal commentary above peer reviewed research to further anti trans pseudoscience

    This article puts non peer reviewed press releases above peer reviewed research and multiple recommendations by professional health bodies. Not once does the article mention "peer review". The article calls the A.A.P. "left-leaning". The article also uses sciency sounding words such as "systematic reviews", but the authors of the studies in the links are all ppl who ask co-write the same non peer-reviewed "gender care for teens is bad" articles.

    Oh, NHS England is funding all this shit.

    Another website calls out the article author for her regular transphobia. It seems she's pulled shit a few times.

    I don't want to shit on doctors, but an individual doctor is not a researcher. Quite a few of them have had bad opinions, especially on topics that are outside their specialty.

    Edit: people with much more knowledge than me have debunked this much better than I could have.

    My gf gaining weight is stressing her out

    I tried typing this into Google, but it returned 20 pages of "My wife gained weight and I don't love her. How can I convince her to start an eating disorder?" FFS the West.

    Comrades, I wish to fuck that my gf gaining a few kilos was even in my top ten list of problems right now. I tell her that's she's fine. We're getting older, and we both put on a few kilos. I try to be supportive, and just let her feel comfortable with the new reality. It's like a major stressor for her. I guess some of her workmates and relatives have made comments. I tell her to tell those people to tell me. What kind of person comments on another person's appearance?

    Just a final rant. Both me and me gf work sorta stressful office jobs, and we both end up doing a lot of overtime. Stress, anxiety, and a lack of time contribute to a less than ideal health situation. I know IRL a few venture capitalist types that spend hours in the gym everyday, but they're the worst humans imaginable. My gf comes from a working class background, and she's one of the kindest people I know. I don't mean to shame anyone that loves the gym, but spending adequate time on fitness isn't super easy in late stage capitalism.

    Anyhow, if any of you comment on anyone's weight ever, I will literally claw your face.

    Holy feck Facebook got really bad

    Like I know this isn't a shock to anyone. But it's a super surprise to me. So since 2011 I was really busy with various educational or work stuff, and never had time to log in. When I did log in to post something random for family to see, I had that Fluffbusters extension that cuts out the extra shit that Meta adds to your feed.

    So recently I was forced to use the FB app to do some IRL stuff related to Palestine. Holy shit the unfiltered site is garbage. You have to scroll through 10 or so unrelated pages to see your friends' posts. And the sheer volume of paid Israeli stuff is mind blowing, despite me trying to tell the algorithm that I don't like it. And despite me being friends with and liking shitloads of ML stuff, I keep getting Unilad level "let's save a bunch of puppies" content. Like I get why people who use traditional social media become liberals or worse, I even found myself becoming a bit more lib looking at it.

    Chud childhood friend part 2 [CW: transphobia, ableism]

    So I'm posting this less as a rant and more as a lesson learned. You don't need to expend any emotional labour to make me feel better.

    So as I mentioned last month, my oldest friend came to visit. We used to be super close. I do feel that I owe him a lot as he helped me out of my shell when I was a teenager. His dad is more a father to me than my actual dad. All this changed when he became a massive reactionary since as his life took him from guy with an actual job to a member of the bourgeoisie. His opinions on a whole host of things has become super shitty, which is super tragic as he was a half decent guy when he was a lib.

    As he left to go to the airport, he told me that he loves me and that we're family. He said he'll always be a resource that he can rely on if things go shitty, which honestly is good as I don't talk to my family anymore. I think he really enjoyed the time spent together.

    The thing is, I had to shelve a lot of my needs and boundaries to spend time with him. I didn't realise this before, but I don't have any single friend or acquaintance casually say r-slurs or other unkind neurodivergent labels around. And no other person who I meet has real problems blasting past my well explained boundaries. "Please don't talk about health stuff around me", then goes on anti-vaxx rants every day. "I don't want to hear you talk about trans people", and he proceeds to talk about every bad experience he's had with a gender queer person since 2002 every single fucking day. I even shelved my feelings with veganism and covid consciousmess: ya I masked around him and ate my veg meals alone, but it sucks to be with someone on the other side so much.

    Don't bother trying to console me on this, because I knew it would be this way before we met. I tried to help him out: him complaining about service workers not giving a good attitude just made him look like an asshole, and of course it just led to pointless bickering. I've expressed multiple times that I have no interest in Joe Rogan, but he keeps trying to sneak him in or berate me for not listen. Bro, I don't enjoy your podcast. So when we hang out and a after we part, I just feel physically sick. There's no what this is sustainable.

    Sorry comrades. I wish I had the personality to get angry immediately and chew someone out on the spot. My way has always been to ponder on what happened and choose the correct words, and this is what I'll do in this situation.

    I'll just mention that my friend does testosterone/steroids (is there a difference?). He's also heavily involved in a fuck ton of pseudoscience. There's absolutely zero chance that he'll turn away from that, as he'll have to give up all the new income that he's receiving from it.

    Is it worth pushing for sanctioning and divestment from Amerika?

    Sorry for the noob question. But considering the awful way that the US is treating the protests, should people push for BDS from Amerika? Like should we advocate that people not travel to the US? Not study in the US? Not collaborate with research with the US. And not buy US products.

    This plan is very half baked, so crit me as hard as you want. It just feels like the US government is hopelessly fascist and dangerous for the world.

    One reason that DPRK music is based

    You know what? I'd listen to a lot more local bands if they had "death to Amerikkka" in their lyrics.

    Here's the concert

    I'm here to say that I'm sorry

    I've been hearing the words that you've been saying. You've been mentioning for a while that you're upset at my actions. I do respect your opinion and your experience. That's why I'm here to say this.

    That's why I want to say that I'm sorry that your feelings were hurt.

    Phew, that was hard. But it's a bit of a relief for me to say it. I hope that it starts to bring the same feeling of closure for you.

    I do really apologise that you got so upset. I didn't think beforehand about how sensitive you are. But now that it's happened, I absolutely regret not noticing how much of an easily aggrieved person you are.

    It's fair to say that no one is perfect. I certainly can attest that this definitely applies to me. God is the only perfect being, and certainly I am no God.

    My first mistake was not deliberating with my thoughts before interacting with such a melodramatic person. I'll have to be more careful about this going forward.

    My parents were strict but loving people. They taught me right from wrong. And when I was wrong, there's no point in trying to deny it. As dad always said, "not admitting a mistake is the biggest mistake you can make."

    And I'm here, my heart and mind open, admitting to you that I was wrong. I was wrong to forget what an total crybaby you are about things. I was wrong to imagine that you'd have any sort of adult response to normal things. And definitely I was dead wrong in thinking that you'd miss an opportunity to blow things out of proportion, yet again.

    We good?

    ButtBidet ButtBidet [he/him]
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