Single Issue Voters will save the world!
Single Issue Voters will save the world!
Single Issue Voters will save the world!
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Yeah. Save the "democracy" which puts the whole force of the law on you when you protest for Palestine or against Cop City.
Uh oh, looks like someone is sharing communist unpatriotic terrorist undemocratic speech. Undemocratic speech is any time you:
Please lie down on your stomach with your arms at your sides and someone will be along to pepper spray you and charge you with domestic terrorism shortly.
And now you're spouting off like the Trumpers who scream that they are being silenced.
But I'm not claiming to be silenced. I'm lampooning how the US has been to live in basically for all of living memory. We talk a lot of shit about freedom, but we're pretty embarrassing when it comes to walking the walk. We'll shrug helplessly as private equity owned hospitals put everyone in two trillion dollars of debt, but God forbid some people protest police overreach, or we're going to police overreach the shit out of them.
I’m sorry there’s no one here by that name.
I've been watching self righteous self proclaimed radicals since I was in middle school. I'll happily trade a million Abbie Hoffmans for one Thurgood Marshall.
I'll happily trade a million Abbie Hoffmans for one Thurgood Marshall.
Who tf is this reference intended for?
Whoever needs it.
You're welcome
Hope it's cozy in the retirement home
the tl, dr is that, lacking a factual basis to attack someone's position, you attack their personality.
It would be easy for me to turn this around and ask if you are saying that Bernie Sanders should shut up because he's too old?
But I like dealing with facts, like Thurgood did.
Are you autistic, or just old?
Go home, Russian propaganda.
Remember kids, any criticism I don't like is propaganda.
I'm critical because we could be doing better, not just for ourselves, but the whole world. Instead, our leadership is threatening to attack the ICC if they hold Nettanyahu accountable for genocide.
No, it’s because you and your ilk only ever criticize Biden/Democrats, as though the roiling dumpster fire that is the Republican Party is beyond reproach. Don’t they control the House, and by extension the purse strings? Haven’t they held up funding for Ukraine more than once? They should be doing the same for funding for Israel, right?
Because Democrats are the only ones who will get us out of this mess, and they are failing epically.
Republicans are snakes, so why would we expect them not to slither? Im just demanding Dems act like snake wranglers for once.
My ilk? I'm actually a little curious what you think my ilk is.
I expect the republicans to be fascist pieces of shit. I'd see them swept out on their asses tomorrow if given the choice. I have higher expectations for the democrats, which is why I give them shit.
And when Biden goes around congress to fund the genocide, what then? We all know republicans are borderline fascists- there's honestly no point in calling a spade a spade since republicans will never listen to reason anyway (and many of them are in a death cult). But democrats claim to be better than republicans, so obviously when they do shitty things, they get held to higher standards. When Ronald fucking Reagan is tougher on Israel than Biden, there's an issue here. Hell, even Obama vetoed UN resolutions more than republicans. Reagan, in contrast, allowed 21 UN resolutions against Israel to pass. It should be clear as day that comparing Biden to Reagan screams "get higher standards", but it seems like a huge swath of democratic voters are either too comfortable in their life to care about blood being on their hands (mixed with post 9/11 anti-arab racism) or they feel like they have a gun to their head in the form of another trump presidency.
You can't reason with republicans about this because they literally need the genocide to happen to bring about the end times (and also a mix of white-supremacy/christofascist fueled anti-arab racism). It's Biden who isn't distancing himself enough from what we collectively thought was a bar only republicans and literal fascists would fall to.
Must be why Republicans are forwarding legislation that would force Biden to continue sending arms to Israel, and Biden has said he would veto such a thing.
He can say whatever he wants, but just today he's sent $1 Billion more in funding for tanks and mortars for Israel. Actions speak louder than words.
We should do something about that. Biden has to win to do something about that. Vote for the most progressive candidates that can win.
He should do something about that.
He won't unless we demand it. Come on, we know that. He's not the hero in this story. He won't lead us to a better future. But if he loses, there will be no future.
If he loses, which it seems like he's desperately trying to do, we will continue fighting.
That's hilarious. You're looking at the situation ion Gaza and daring to compare what's going on in the USA with that?
I have no idea what you're accusing me of doing, so I'm gonna say: No, I'm not.