Curious question, what made 196 so popular in the trans community? I have always seen some trans memes on Reddit, but it seems the ratio is even higher here (and some anti police stuff, idk I'm not american).
Is it because this is a place you can express yourself freely on the web, or is there something more to it?
It was the only (as far as I know) general shitposting community on reddit that wasn't casually racist/homophobic/transphobic, because of this a lot of LGBTQ+ people flocked to it for their memes.
Honestly, I have no idea. We ended up with this community during the massive reddit migration because we are a queer focused instance, but I'm not sure of the history. I didn't even know the community existed before that :)
I have no idea what the history of 196 being queer is, but it was an extremely queer subreddit. I think it has something to do with how many trans people also happen to be shitposters.