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  • What do you believe is the difference between “Prohibition of all drugs to be lifted” and “unrestricted access to any drug”?

    You should check a dictionary. A prohibition is when something is illegal to sell. Do you think if something isn't illegal, it's unrestricted? Why would you think that?

    You’d rather chew your own leg off than answer my question from the previous comment. That’s how strong the propaganda is, and I don’t know why it affects you so much.

    I will pose my questions one more time.

    And I stand by that.

    I've answered your questions, but you're not asking them for any reason. You're pretending to ask them for a reason. Honestly, what are you, like, 20? This is insanely childish.

    #Show me drug propaganda from the 19th century please. I'll wait right here. You will desperately google some, but the only thing you'll find from the 19th century is drug adverts, not propaganda. There are a few cases in history of so called vice laws, but prohibition =/= drug propaganda. Perhaps you didn't realise that, huh?

    Do you know what Religion is, and its impacts on anti-drug mentalities predating the 20th century?

    I do yes. You do not.

    Why did you ask for me to mention ten books when you can't address a single one that I name? Perhaps because you're a sort of silly little boy who's pretending to know a lot about something they don't, thinking that because they've smoked weed, they're not "against the prohibition", while actively fighting it.

    Anyone supporting the prohibition of drugs is acting against the well-being of society in general. That's an indisputable fact I can and have backed with peer-reviewed studies.

    edit oh that's a fun comment about "projection" from some teen who thinks he "wins" debates by saying "that's a fallacy" as if you've ever opened a philosophy book :DD let alone understood the first thing about psychology. you've tried your teenage gotchas several times and i've shown you how much of a tit you were being and wow, you instantly stop with the argument I made you feel stupid about.

    • Why did you ask for me to mention ten books when you can’t address a single one that I name?

      1. You never named 10 books, while I provided a source for over 200.

      2. The purpose was to see what you are reading so I can know what you know. It is not a "gotcha". You claimed to be well read so it shouldn't be hard to list off a few books on a topic you also claim to know a lot about.

      Perhaps because you’re a sort of silly little boy who’s pretending to know a lot about something they don’t, thinking that because they’ve smoked weed, they’re not “against the prohibition”, while actively fighting it.

      Oh look! More projection! I do have to say your one trick pony show is beginning to get boring.

      Anyone supporting the prohibition of drugs is acting against the well-being of society in general. That’s an indisputable fact I can and have backed with peer-reviewed studies.

      So you keep saying, and yet I have never made a claim otherwise.

      edit oh that’s a fun comment about “projection” from some teen who thinks he “wins” debates by saying “that’s a fallacy” as if you’ve ever opened a philosophy book :DD let alone understood the first thing about psychology. you’ve tried your teenage gotchas several times and i’ve shown you how much of a tit you were being and wow, you instantly stop with the argument I made you feel stupid about.

      You should probably stop serial editing everyone of your comments. Nothing screams "Chronically online edge lord" quite like constant edits. (As well as commenting on every other comment in this thread, whether it was directed at you or not.)

      All in all you need to up your game. Go back to your echo chamber and complain about all the stupid people who just "don't get it" so you can tucker yourself out for a little nap. I think you need it.

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