It’s Time To Rethink 6G.
It’s Time To Rethink 6G.
It’s Time To Rethink 6G.
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I don’t need wireless 1Gbps around town.
I need reliable 100kbps when I’m out in the boonies.
Fixing coverage gaps is not sexy but is way more useful.
Abso-fucking-lutely, amen and hallelujah. I want 6G to focus on improving range and performance in marginal conditions. When shit is good, 5g is fast enough for now. I don't know how you improve range and penetration without going to lower frequencies, so maybe we should try to do that? Lower frequencies mean less bandwidth, but RF is black magic fuckery and there's all kinds of crazy shit that can be done with time division, so maybe we can improve throughout in the sub-ghz regime. I dunno about that, I'm just an idiot software developer who is thankful that shit works without me having to sacrifice a goat.
Maybe there's a way to broadcast at higher power levels, and maybe there are ways for base stations to be more sensitive or do filtering to increase SNR. I have no idea, but I think that should be what the telecos focus on. Better service over a wider area with the same number of towers would be huge.
They make phones with external antennas, but those are a few thousand dollars, but even a small screw on SMA antenna could extend the range of your phone by a few extra miles / kilometers depending on where you live.
Only if there were affordable options that existed.
I dearly miss my little mag mount antenna for my nokia 5120. Couod make an analog phone call from anywhere in the county. Cant do it today really
I don’t need wireless 1Gbps around town.
Lots of us live in areas with no broadband competition, more options is a good thing. I personally wouldn’t use wireless broadband but if they can bring prices down through competition I’m all for it.
The solution to which is broadband competition.
No, actually the solution is broadband nationalisation.
I like nationalising industries, but here in France, privatizing France Telecom made Internet and phone prices much lower.
Only because it is highly regulated. The FAIs have to allow everyone access to the network. Free wouldn't exist if it wasn't for that.
A part is thanks to free (the company) refusing to oligopole up the prices.
True, but nothing was stopping the public company from lowering their prices and improving their service.
You mean in the like nineties?
But how could they fight against the state controlled monopoly making stuff like this !
Jk, fun times actually
That too
That’s just another monopoly. How much do you trust your government?
I pay the cheapest electricity of all of the OECD, and rake in billions every year that is reinvested in society. Thank supply side Jesus for publically owned monopolies.
How's that competition going with the Texas grid? You people are so fucking brainwashed that you think the shareholders have your best interests at heart.
You rake in billions every year...?
Society does indeed. Hydro Quebec gives back something like $3B a year that is reinvested into various government services.
Yeah, that’s why faster wireless broadband is a good thing. Some people do need 1Gbps wireless in town because they can cut the cord on the overpriced cable. Faster wireless means it’ll hold up under congestion better as well.
Hmmm. I guess.