Since Xorg is getting old, looking at trying Wayland WMs
Since Xorg is getting old, looking at trying Wayland WMs
Since Xorg is getting old, looking at trying Wayland WMs
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Hyprland is transphobic
issue is, so many things have been called transphobic, from mere personal opinions to accidents to actual transphobia, i just can't trust a blanket "foo is transphobic" comment.
Hyprland's community has a history of toxicity:
Whoa that GH issue is pretty bad. What a bunch of babies.
Who is joining communities for window managers?
Drew Devault has a history of trying to sabotage FOSS communities, just saying
Seems fine
Sounds and smells like actual bullshit to me
What? How is software transphobic
Because people are still Reddit-brained, have no capacity for nuance and thrive on outrage like an addict.
For the addicts with their finger smashing the downvote button:
Elon Musk is an idiot. But that doesn't mean that a Tesla Model S is an idiot.
A Hyprland developer could be transphobic, members who comment in the community could be transphobic but that doesn't make the software transphobic.
Software doesn't have political opinions.
If you want to not be hypocritical and examine all products with the same ridiculous level of scrutiny then you're probably using electronic components in your house, car, smartphone and PC that were sourced using slave labor, child labor or built by countries that engage in human rights abuse.
The electricity used to allow you to uncritically attack people online was generated by means which contribute to climate change which will kill or displace hundreds of millions of people.
The language you're using is primarily used by cultures who have historically engaged in colonialism, piracy, slavery, religious oppression, ethnic cleansing and wars of aggression.
So, unless you're willing to sit in a forest and never communicate with another person, you're going to be using technology which, if you pedantically dig deep enough, you can find some "problematic" behaviors associated with.
Or, you could not act ignorant in online spaces. That's also an option.
For the addicts with their finger smashing the downvote button
Lol, dude, at the 3.5 hour mark since you edited, and the 3.52 hour mark since you wrote the post, you have a whole TWO downvotes. Persecution complex much?
It's predictable (3.52 hours in advance, apparently) that the kind of people who enjoy low-effort outrage content (like calling a piece of software transphobic) are the same people who are unable express themselves with words. They rely on downvotes or little drive-by ad hominem quips rather than their ability to contribute anything of substance.
That's why, in this thread, not one person can answer a simple question such as 'How is software transphobic' despite 10 people downvoting the person for asking. They can't answer because there isn't an answer, it is a nonsense statement meant to generate outrage.
It's the exact same level of ignorance that you see from social media users on the right, in their endless quest to 'own the libs'. It's ignorant when they do it, and it's ignorant when people on the other end of the political spectrum do it.
Elon Musk is an idiot. But that doesn’t mean that a Tesla Model S is an idiot.
While I agree with the point you're trying to make, Teslas are hot garbage with shit quality control that has led to quite a few deaths. I wouldn't ride in one, let alone buy one. If cars could be idiots, Teslas would be.
A better example would have been SpaceX.
It's software with no opinion.
How is a tiling wm transphobic? Seriously get a life.
Obviously they meant the community.
I don't agree to that either
What do you mean?
I don't think it's community is transphobic
Edit: 0 proof, 100% delusion. Checks out.
the part where the community has been actively hostile to trans folks doesn't make 'em transphobic?
You gonna provide a source? It's been a couple days now.
Google it. I'm not the entertainment
I googled this for you. You are not entertaining, I agree. Just another bandwagoner. More reading and less typing next time 👍.
Community? It was 1 mod 3 years ago that was already removed. Wdym "actively"?
So we're just gonna let it go then?
Obviously no? They were called out and fixed their shitty moderation. I haven't seen anything remotely close to any transphobia granted I'm barely ever on discord but I would like people to link actual source to that rather than a 3 year old 1 mod behaviour as "community is transphobic" comments.
It doesn't help foss, it's just self biting ourselves over non issues while the general population continue to support corporations over foss. Not saying you should not call people out, just saying call Varxy out.
You also said "has been". Can you show any other instance of the "community" other than that one mod and maybe something recent?
Edit: Yep, no response. Can't show what isn't there. Shocker.