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US Zionists attempt to trademark 'From the river to the sea' chant US Jews attempt to trademark 'From the river to the sea' chant

This slogan, emerging from the Palestinian nationalist movement in the 1960s, has been used to advocate for various political visions.

US Jews attempt to trademark 'From the river to the sea' chant

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  • Two lawyers =/= "US Jews"

    • I think we can all agree that the conflation of Zionism with Judaism is disgusting

      The phrase US Jews has inexorably been stained in my mind as Discord. Among Us. Jews

      • Really seems to be no evidence to even support Jewish Americans are any more likely to support Israel than non-Jewish Americans

        Roughly 25% of American Jews overall and 40% of American Jews under 40 believe Israel is an apartheid state (and 13% of US Jews over 64). That lines up with a lot of polling on Israel for Americans as a whole. I'd extrapolate that to say if you looked at Jewish people under 30 or 25, it'd be a majority calling it apartheid. Also, 1 in 3 (back in 2021) Jewish people under 40 believed Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians

        From other polls I've looked at, I think you could reasonably assume Americans overall (and definitely Christians) would be equally if not less likely to call Israel is an apartheid state than Jewish people

        • They are less likely to support Israel, because American Jews who do support Israel move there and join their favourite settler colony where they get to be the upper class.

          • The vast majority haven't left for Israel tho, it's something like 0.04% of American Jews that leave every year, or 2% across the last 50 years. US Jewish population has actually grown in size way more than its shrunk

            • Huh, I had no idea it was only about 2% across the last 50 years, I would've thought it was much higher than that. I might be thinking of general immigration statistics and not those focused on specific groups.

              • Yeah Israel's immigrants come from a bunch of countries, American immigrants make up barely 10% of them. They get roughly just as many immigrants from France as America, and twice as many Russian Jews as American Jews every year

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