The USian Democratic Party is fucking baked boiled fried and cooked.
It's Joever for the Democrats no lie. I know polls are still pretty even and something could happen to give them a shot in the arm but honestly all the videos I've been watching and conversations I've been having IRL are just pointing to a complete anti-Democrat vibe. Watching a few videos that are saying the same thing and it could just be algorithm bias but idk. I don't even mean just for 2024 election like long term this party is fucked. I used to think they were going to be bent over and moved out of the way by the Republicans (consequently establishing a further fascist government) because Dems are spineless but they're actually doing such a terrible job that they're going to get voted out and allow the Republicans to further fascist-ize the US if that's even possible.
I'm low-key here for it, going to be interesting but I'm very scared for marginalized people and the proleys in general.
If the US is around long enough, we might see a different party rise to take their place in the two party system, just like the republicans did with the Whigs.
It'd probably a hardcore libertarian party or something, wouldn't it?
Yeah there was a meme on the lib-space the other day about how you have to hold your nose and VOTE (hoping for a future more progressive dem) or you'll lose the chance to vote forever.
But if you follow the logic to its end-point, the meme fails. Since the DNC picks your D candidate, and D is the only one you can vote for forever, are you really voting for a future you can look forward to now? Is there even a point when one side is a hand-picked quiet fascist and the other is a loud obnoxious fascist?
Also they've used that argument before right before they lost the easiest election of the last century by refusing to even acknowledge progressives.
Than 4 years later that guy got voted out.
Seems like they're not being totally accurate in their analysis. Also after the whole "vote for the shitty candidate this time and maybe they'll be more progressive next time" is ringing a little hollow after about the 5th or 6th round of it.
Man we've just got to find a way to kick all these assholes into a volcano. I don't want to die of thirst knowing some rich prick is holing up in a bunker. I would be so salty! I wanna go down with their fucking blood in my teeth.
The other meme of theirs that turned out to be bullshit was "the democrats will be easier to work with" While that may be true in a vaccum, what actually happened is that all the liberals went back to brunch, leaving very few to oppose the new style of fascism that took over.
Liberals made it clear they'll only fight if their lives (and theirs alone) are threatened. The instant they're not, they lose all political animus.
Would finally bring the US in line with the rest of the west circa maybe 60-70 years ago if they finally did that. But I don't really see much of a labour movement over there.
That's good to hear. I would love to see my comrades in the US better able to organise. If a movement does get strong enough, I guess a labour party would form in order to work as a release valve for that socialist pressure. That's why they exist in most other western nations after all.