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I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!

I've never really felt fully comfortable being open about myself on big platforms like Reddit, but on here it feels a lot safer, especially since adopting better digital hygiene.

So I'm just kinda saying it explicitly for the first time that I'm a trans girl. I like myself, I like my body, even if it's not perfect yet, and I like being pretty. I'm even slowly coming out more and more in real life too! Idk, everyone congratulate me or something haha

Things are hard, but I like how accepting the federated side of the internet has been so far to me.


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  • Do you really want children to be confused and mutilate themselves under the false idea that they are girls when they're really just using their imaginations?

    • I reject the premise that a child can be momentarily confused and end up getting full gender reassignment surgery. That's just conservative fear-mongering that is willfully ignorant of all that's involved in gender-affirming care.

      • Not momentarily confused, I mean deeply confused for a long period of time, are you deliberately misunderstanding me?

        • And being "deeply confused" for a male child means not wanting to act out the traditional role of marrying a woman and bearing children?

          From your original comment:

          You can be a biologically-male woman all you want, that is your choice and your right

          But then you say:

          Boys need to understand that they are not women and will never be women, their role isn't to bear children, it's to meet a woman and be the father of a child.

          So which is it? Is it the right of any person to identify as they choose, or must you act out the traditional (conservative) gender role predetermined by your biological sex?

    • no, i dont. and thats why i support trans kids instead of forcing them to live as who u decide them to be based on their fucking genitalia alone.

      • Have you ever thought that "trans kids" might just be some poor confused kids just playing dress up and having fun, that's what I was growing up. It would've fucked me up beyond belief if someone made me become a girl. Yet that's what you're suggesting for these other kids who are likely in similar situations.

        • nono, im not suggesting forcing any gender on children. they can play dress up all they like, and if its ever more than dressup, i will still support them if its what they want.

    • Kids do not care. They need to be taught how to be bigoted.

      • So you think kids should be made to transition their gender, even if they're just playing pretend?

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