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Devs over here, help me out - I purged whatever little projects I've worked on, out of stress, and because I thought it sucked. Now, my resume is a blank canvas. Need some project suggestions...

I am also very under-prepared for DSA, btw, because I'm using C for solving questions - I should have picket Java or C++, I think. I have some basic understanding of both front and back-end development. I also know a bit of CI/CD and container stuff. I'm looking out for simple projects I can complete quickly, while also being able to touch various parts of the tech-stack (JSON Web Token, websocket, service workers, etc) - anything that is considered good enough for an intern/entry-level full-timer to be considered.


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  • Honestly if you are applying for an internship you just need a finished product of some kind, ideally with unit tests. Make sure it has a pretty front end, works on mobile, and is deployed to a server. It should use at least some JS on the front end, maybe a framework like React if you're interested in web dev. On the backend, make a server with Java and Postgresql. Make sure it has a CI/CD pipeline, which you can do for free with GitHub Actions. Make sure it has a server, which you can do or very cheap with AWS EC2 free tier and Let's Encrypt. Put an MIT license in the repo. If I couldn't think of anything, I would try making a Lemmy client, because this one does too much on the front end and is super slow as a result.

    There is a different way to go here, which is focus on your C skills and try to do low level or embedded development. I don't know as much about this, but maybe some project involving an OS kernel or a piece of embedded hardware? Maybe something Arduino or RPI? The same idea applies that it should be in a GitHub repo with tests and documentation.

    Also, my hot take is that you don't need to be that good at DS&A for entry level if you stay away from big tech companies. Like sure, Google will quiz you on big-O. But what if you were a developer for a grocery chain, or a bank, or a small web firm, as your first job? That's what I did, and it has been chill and easy so far. And I haven't gotten laid off like my FAANG friends.