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r/Europe discovers that Ukrainians are not keen on going to the meat grinder
  • I wasn't expecting half of the comments to be complaining that women don't have to to fight lol. If you think of yourself as a based and trad conservative or whatever and you're made that women aren't fighting in wars I think you've gotten kind of mixed up.

  • Workers & Resources: why do buildings cost money?
  • Yes, you basically play as a city state. The whole premise of the game is that you are developing an independent 24x24 km square republic with no modern industry. Maybe that's not realistic, but neither are a bunch of other things in the game.

  • How to prevent files from being displaced? This protection should (somehow) persist through disk cloning.
  • What do you mean by a file being displaced? Like do you want it to be unreadable, or unmodified, or just not deleted?

    It's not really possible to have a level of protection that would require more than sudo because with root access you bypass anything else.

    You could put the files on an encrypted volume that uses a special password when it is mounted. Or you could use the chattr command to set special ext4 attributes that would make it unmodifiable (but could be removed with sudo). Or just record the file's hash, and that way you know it hasn't been modified later.

  • Caption this.
  • The single person to own a cyber truck in my city (maybe in my state?) lives near me. He's widely hated now and everyone talks shit about him, his car, and his little small business.

  • [SOLVED] still cannot open a transmission port, what am I doing wrong?
  • It seems like that port needs to be accessible from the public Internet. Your local computer probably has at least one more firewall between it and the Internet, running on your router. You need to also forward the port on your router, which is what it says in the second half of the guide.

  • Devs over here, help me out - I purged whatever little projects I've worked on, out of stress, and because I thought it sucked. Now, my resume is a blank canvas. Need some project suggestions...
  • Sorry I didn't get back to you. Basically your project should solve a problem. Nobody actually needs a to-do list app, because we can just put a lot in our notes app or use an actual piece of paper. Also, it's a little bit too simple. But a chat app could be good if you can explain why your chat app is different, and it is somewhat sophisticated. There's no magic type of project that will get you hired. The point of a project is to show a company that you can solve problems with your software, which is why they want to hire you in the first place, and also to give you something to talk about in the interview.

    Basically don't overthink this. Having a thing that works is awesome, and better than having a "perfect project" that you never finish. There must be some kind of site / app that you would find useful in your life, or that you use but don't actually like very much. A partial clone of it would be the perfect project.

  • Devs over here, help me out - I purged whatever little projects I've worked on, out of stress, and because I thought it sucked. Now, my resume is a blank canvas. Need some project suggestions...
  • Honestly if you are applying for an internship you just need a finished product of some kind, ideally with unit tests. Make sure it has a pretty front end, works on mobile, and is deployed to a server. It should use at least some JS on the front end, maybe a framework like React if you're interested in web dev. On the backend, make a server with Java and Postgresql. Make sure it has a CI/CD pipeline, which you can do for free with GitHub Actions. Make sure it has a server, which you can do or very cheap with AWS EC2 free tier and Let's Encrypt. Put an MIT license in the repo. If I couldn't think of anything, I would try making a Lemmy client, because this one does too much on the front end and is super slow as a result.

    There is a different way to go here, which is focus on your C skills and try to do low level or embedded development. I don't know as much about this, but maybe some project involving an OS kernel or a piece of embedded hardware? Maybe something Arduino or RPI? The same idea applies that it should be in a GitHub repo with tests and documentation.

    Also, my hot take is that you don't need to be that good at DS&A for entry level if you stay away from big tech companies. Like sure, Google will quiz you on big-O. But what if you were a developer for a grocery chain, or a bank, or a small web firm, as your first job? That's what I did, and it has been chill and easy so far. And I haven't gotten laid off like my FAANG friends.

  • Deleted
    How do people who hate their facial hair find the strength to shave everyday?
  • Yeah I have a tria, and used it to get rid of probably 70% of my facial hair. Im getting Electrolysis for the rest. It hurts a lot, and is a very slow process, but it will work. I don't know if it's completely permanent, but doing like one refresh every couple months isn't so bad.

  • Hand powered grinder for moka pot?

    I have a cheap electric grinder which doesn't go very fine, and is also loud, and takes up too much space in my little apartment. I would love to have a hand powered grinder that's not too big, but also could grind fine enough to make a decent moka brew. Is this possible? Does anyone have any models to look at?

    Stuff to read about Bo Xilai

    I was kind of sick yesterday, and while I was resting I went on a long Wikipedia journey learning about this guy. I'm fascinated. Some of the efforts he led in Chongqing seems incredible, like expropriating billionaire's stuff to fund public housing. But of course there's the big scandal, with lots of lurid details like how his wife maybe poisoned somebody.

    Anybody have anything good to read about him that isn't American Wikipedia? Or hot Bo takes to share? How has the Chongqing Model influenced Chinese politics today, and was it as good as it seems? What's up with his falling out with his buddy the police chief? Did Bo's dad really commission an author to write that he was a better statesmen than Henry Kissinger (I would hope so!) and more beloved than Princess Diana?

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