A cool guide to the top 10 deadliest animals for humans
A cool guide to the top 10 deadliest animals for humans
A cool guide to the top 10 deadliest animals for humans
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...and as always, once one of these incorrect charts appear, a reminder:
Its not the insect that kills. Its a virus, bacteria or parasite transfered by the insect that kills.
And they couldn’t be bothered to get a picture of an assassin bug.
Anyone who tried just got assassinated. Assassin bugs have all kinds of organized crime connections.
This is a combination of vectors and physical attack. Humans committing homicide vs a mosquito carrying a disease.
There is a note saying that, it's on the bottom left.
That said, it could and should have been more visible.
It says that in the small print. But mosquito sounds better than some difficult to pronounce Latin name.