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Trump floats idea of three-term presidency at NRA convention
  • In the last one, he still had fear of consequences tempering his actions. If he gets in again, his fear of consequences will be from losing power, not what acts he commits to secure it or siphon benefits from.

  • I can only hope people continue to love the truly old ones for a long time.
  • I was also curious and it was interesting getting a better idea of how old they all were, considering when I first watched them all, they were pretty much all "adults" to me because anything from like 20 to 65 was just one category lol.

  • Misusing Memorable Quotes Pt. 3
  • Yeah, or conversely a rush mode that removes exploratory routing but you can't use it all the time (since it needs to send people down roads it considers less optimal to determine traffic and confirm that they are indeed less optimal).

    It's annoying when I decide to ignore directions and just stay where I am because I'd rather deal with slower traffic on the highway than go through some town's industrial area and then see the ETA remove several minutes as a result.

  • I can only hope people continue to love the truly old ones for a long time.
  • Kim (Garret Wang) was 26. Kes (Jennifer Lien) was 20. Paris (Robert Duncan McNeil) was 30, rounding out the youngest 3 main cast members. The Doctor and Chakotay were the oldest, both at 41.

    TNG had Will Wheaton at 15, Denise Crosby (Tasha) at 29, and LeVar Burton at 30. And Stewart (49), Spinner (38), and McFadden (38) as the oldest.

    George Takei was the baby of TOS at 29, followed by Koenig (Chekov) at 30 (when he joined a year later, so same age as Takei), and Nichols (Uhura) at 33. Doohan (Scotty) and Kelley (Bones) were both 46 and Shatner and Nimoy both 35. They all lived through WWII (and both Scotty and Bones served, Scotty took some friendly fire on D-day while Bones did training movies for the air force).

    DS9 set some new extremes, with Lofton (little Sisko) at 14, Siddig (Bashir) 27, and Farrel (Jadzia) 29. On the other end, Auberjonois (Odo) was 52, followed by Brooks (big Sisko) 44, and Shimerman (Quark) 43.

    Enterprise had Park (Hoshi) at 23, Blalock 26, and Montgomery (Travis) 30. Bakula (Archer) was 46, Billingsley (Phlox) 41, and Keating (Reed) 39.

    Those are all main cast members, there have been other supporting actors both older and younger than those listed.

  • Norway has some surprising stats
  • It's too late for me, that would just add an obstruction charge on top of it for destruction of evidence. Which I guess also technically applies to each time I've flushed the toilet.

    I guess I'm an outlaw now. At least it means I get to have all the cool things that have been banned. Brb, I'm gonna go get all hopped up on leaded gasoline and start stupid fights over people doing things that don't affect me.

  • Motivation
  • EA SPORTS WRC will be adding EA anticheat, game will not playable any more. On ProtonDB game is rated Platinum
  • Woah, really? I had just noticed that the play button is replaced by an update button when there's one pending and was a bit frustrated because my gap between playing paradox game sessions is long enough that it usually says my last save might not work.

    How is it for figuring out which version you need to go back to? Like would it be enough to use a file timestamp to match it to the version you would have used at that time?

  • Chicken vs Egg
  • "There is much debate about how aware the primitive minds were of the degradation of their information. Did they believe older things looked worse when they were photographed or did they understand it was their photographs themselves that got worse over time?

    Even more surprising is that their oldest media wasn't even able to maintain any information at all about colour."

  • As conservatives put religion in schools, Satanists want in, too
  • Though ironically, they do appreciate one of the "evils" pushed by the biblical serpent: "seeking and valuing knowledge", which is considered the original sin (as opposed to, say, the first murder, which happened not long after).

  • Therapy
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