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HA COMPONENT KIT - New Update 4.0.0

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/shannonhochkins on 2024-06-22 10:41:56+00:00.

HA COMPONENT KIT - New Update & New Dashboard

A MASSIVE new update to the component kit was just released, a few minor breaking changes, nothing too dramatic, but lots of cool new features!




Documentation:  (documentation website not responsive, see demo)

@hakit/core - 

@hakit/components - 



  • AlarmCard - Alarm entities now fully supported, down to keypad control and more
  • All Cards - now have the ability to display related entities and featured entities which behave similar to home assistants new features option
  • Overhaul on the styles and responsiveness
  • MULTILINGAL - the entire code base, core and components are now supported in all languages that home assistant supports and by default will render in your preferred language of choice from the config


  • NEW useDevice hook - a hook to retrieve the device information, this is different from useEntity
  • NEW localize, useLocale, useLocales - hooks to help you with language optimisation - fully typed so you know what's available
  • HassConnect - you can now login via a token as well as redirecting to the HA login screen

Much has changed in this release, see the notes below

Github Release