Telegram is not safe for private communication as it's not encrypted. But as a social media, it's not actually that bad. They don't sensor as much as other platforms and there is no algorithm that tailors content to you.
Bit of free advice should anyone in charge be listening 😀 (they are not of course)
Have a couple of drones swarming the area you bomb. Once the big one has exploded, people tend to panic and/or be in disarray. And when humans are in that condition, they tend to 'clump' together and not pay attention to protocols and safety guidelines. That's when the mop-up drones come in and take groups of soldiers out by attacking these stressed out groups.
Perhaps by some definition it is. Or not.
For me it is common sense. What is war if not eliminating as much of your opponent as you can? You take every opportunity you can to inflict as much pain, hurt and loss onto your enemy as possible.