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We need a national climate action plan — and an exit strategy from fossil fuels We need a national climate action plan — and an exit strategy from fossil fuels

Another brutal summer is upon us — but a New Deal-style national mobilization can still reshape our future

We need a national climate action plan — and an exit strategy from fossil fuels
  • We've known this for more than 50 years. If policy makers won't start making fossil fuels adequately expensive (which they won't), nothing will change.

    • We have millions of people who look at combusting more fuel and dumping more CO2 into the atmosphere as 'recreation', and base tons of entertainment and leisure upon it. You're entirely correct - from cruise ships burning bunker oil to dirt bikes nascar F1 vroom-vroom car culture and all the 2-stroke lawnmowers and leaf blowers - it's all gotta go. And the only way to convince them that the world is on fire and we absolutely must do this whether they like it or not is to price petrol according to it's impact.

      I wish there was a way to make this happen before tens of millions die.