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Move away from Google home to a fully local Voice assistant

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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/NorsePagan95 on 2024-06-24 00:22:16+00:00.

Hey everyone, as the title says I want to move away from Google home to a fully local home assistant.

I used to love Google home but have lately found it to be terrible, it's either slow or full of "Hmm I don't know what device you mean" even when it's the only device of that name registered in Google home.

I have home assistant set up with the majority of my IoT devices on a local system, and have been using it for physical control from my phone etc when Google is being a pain or on the rare occasion my Internet goes down.

Does anyone have any good guides for setting up a local LLM with home assistant for full home control, ideally I would like an LLM that can access the Internet for questions I have about events or stuff so it can search the Internet for what I'm asking if but not rely on it for simple stuff or stuff that is in home assistant already.

Also if anyone has any good recommendations for wireless local speaker/mic systems I can use with home assistant that have 0 cloud reliance that would be much appreciated too

Thank you.