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  • Where I live out in the remote countryside functions very much like one of these anarchist societies. However it's hard to imagine doing away with the fundamental concept that keeps peace, the ownership of land.

    The megascale farmers are always chewing at the borders of "the hills" and snapping up anything they can get. They used to ignore our rocky and rough land but their greed knows no bounds, and they already own everything else. Without the law to enforce our ownership we would be quickly run over by their much greater resources.

    Aside from that all of us small farmers work together and share and help each other only because we can and for the benefit of all.

    However I did get called out on a visit to a friend in the city as a "Vault dweller" who would acquire the things I need, return home to my little society, roll the door closed and continue to watch the rest of the world slowly collapse. I feel like anarchy really only works for this sort of small isolated community and unfortunately in a world of 8 billion, it's simply not workable as organized states will simply run over any group that doesn't collect taxes to maintain a military or other means of projecting power.

    Without that "vault door" to protect you I just don't see an anarchist society surviving in today's environment.