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Daily Discussion Thread: ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅱️🅰️ Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Today is Juneteenth and also the international day for the elimination of sexual violence in conflict

  • Too damn early crew checking in 👊🏻

  • I'm officially Simon. Yay? Lol

    Had an interview this morning which went ok I think. Will find out if I go to the next stage tomorrow.

    • I am both amused and irritated. Diversity is massive in IT. Until very recently, I was the only person in my team actually born in Australia. Now 2/13 of us were born here.

      Whoever is hiring IT people should be able to cope with your name.

  • Okay, I signed up specifically to ask this question...

    Does anyone have recommendations for a travel debit card please? Need mostly GBP & EUR for this trip, but there's a couple other European currencies too.

    From what I've researched, the Wise & Up Bank cards are coming up a bit, and the Macquarie one is too. I have an account with Macquarie already, but anything else I'd have to open a new account, which I'm not against for the best option.

    • In reality you should take two cards on your trip just in case you lose one, or one doesn't work.

      For me I used my ING card, which provides 100% full fee rebate on the first 5 eligible fee incurring ATM withdrawal transactions made on the account in that month (excludes International ATM operator fees).

      My second card was a wise card. You can load the currency you want on the card and use wise set exchange rate, which is very reasonable. In terms of fees, each calendar month you have a free withdrawal allowance (varies by currency and country) — you can withdraw money up to that amount without any variable fees .

      A variable fee changes based on how much you withdraw (and the country). For example, if your card was issued in the EEA, your card has a 1.75% variable fee. If you withdraw 100 EUR, then the variable fee would be 1.75 EUR.

      Wise charge the variable fee for every withdrawal on your Wise card over your monthly allowance, regardless of how many times you made a withdrawal that month.

      Whatever card you use, often the biggest fee is the foreign atm charging like a wounded bull that your financial institution has no control over (I'm looking at you Thailand and your 7 dollar withdrawal fees).

      Before you go, check which banks in the destination country charge the lowest ATM fees for foreign cards.

      Something else to be aware of is Aussie banks rejecting foreign transactions. Recently overseas I tried to pay for a hotel with an ING card and ING kept rejecting the payment despite me telling them I was overseas. In this scenario I used my Wise Card instead and all was good, so just be aware that Australian Banks in general can be really annoying when you are overseas.