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Sold me house, now what

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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/raptor_champs on 2024-06-25 00:39:13+00:00.

👋, after living 4 years in this house and adding a lot of automation we sold it, and the new buyers wanted the automation as part of the deal. Which we agree. I am a developer and am used to Hass. We have many moving parts : networking(vlan , firewall rules), blue iris for cameras and Hass, etc. things frequently stop working for one reason or another, it is a complex system, but I just go and fix myself. It is fine and fun for me.

However I want to setup the new owners for success. They are CPAs, know very little about automation and never heard about HASS. What should I do? Is there any newbie friendly dashboards? How can I setup something that won’t break?

For starters I will simplify their WiFi, and remove all firewall and vlan setup , also am planing to get a simpler nvr that works for ip cam, and have a simple Hass setup. Any recommendations?
