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  • I just want to be able to input an address and it actually take me there and not just give the whole road. I don't care much for lacking traffic data but I want to at least get directions.

    I understand I can search for locations but that doesn't work for houses, unlisted businesses (recently had an issue trying to local a local clinic that we were given the address for), or many trailheads.

    • Let's be honest, it doesn't work for 30% of listed businesses either... Typing in more than 1 word automatically returns utter crap.

      If I type is SPAR, I get all supermarkets near me.

      If I type in SPAR supermarket because that is what it is listed under, I get this BS, random supermarkets 60+ km away. Even if it could only parse out supermarket because of how badly it parses, then it still could take supermarkets near me.

      When I type in just supermarket, I get the supermarkets near me. Any time I type more than one word, the search completely breaks...