US right-winger Anne Applebaum gets award despite appalling record and accusations of being a mouthpiece for US and UK imperialism Right-wing author and journalist Anne Applebaum has been awarded t…
It's a "price" handed out by a for-profit conglomerate, so it's not really something I ever thought about in all the years it very briefly came up. In fact this is the first I'm reminded about it existing in 4 years or so? I doubt most germans have ever heard of the "Börsenverein", nevermind it's "price" or this author or what she wrote.
I’m no nazi apologist, but given how many members of the party were average people who didn’t take part in the genocide, I don’t really know what else you’d expect. Yes, probably a lot more higher ups and definitely anyone who had direct knowledge of the camps should have been up for war crimes, but what about the schlub who repaired people’s plumbing?
Fuck all nazis. See a nazi, punch a nazi. All that jazz.
I think people misinterpreted your comment. I read it as "Israel has the right to exist bro, which includes ethnic cleansing to right the wrongs of WW2". You know, sarcastically
The article has some really weird parts underlining somebody's anti-Russian and pro-Ukrainian while discussing Gaza/Israel -situation. It's like there's one larger eastern power killing indiscriminantly a smaller population west of them. And per article it's horrific when it's Gaza but somehow it's US and UK imperialism when Russians are killing/raping/pillagin in Ukraine.
Neither of these conflicts are indiscriminate killings. Israel is deliberately targeting civilians and children. Russia is targeting military targets. It's not through pure chance that Israel has killed over a hundred times as many children.