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Usefull canal tools.

This is for new boaters on the UK waterways. As experienced boaters have worked this out for themselves.

Of course the most usefull tool is your windlass. Without it you really cannot travel far on our canals.

But the application of a rear ended lock level detection device. Can seriously ease your time amd stress when passing through a lock. Of course not any device will be usable. There is a disturbing fasion for people to own hand held sized portable devices. Such RELLDD are unsuitable for most UK canal lock gates. Industrial sized devices are very much required. Fortunately you will find many stores along the canal. That specialise in providing enhancement solutions to your RELLDD. At very little expense. You may be able to enhance your device over just a few years.

If this is an unsuitable solution for you. Then please considers the option of other crew members with a more suitable RELLDD. Or you will often find other boaters very willing to help out. By adding their own RELLDD to the lock gate.

Now if you are single handing. And lacking a suitable device. Then over the last 30 years or so. Many Internet sites have started to help link the owners of such devices together.

Now I need to urge extream care with this approach. It is first important to remember many owners of such devices are unwilling to allow them to be used on the UK canal system. But more complex. Many with a suitable device whom may be very happy to travel the network with you. Tend to be uncomfortable with the suitability of their device. Due to this they will often also photograph the device using methods that limit its perceived suitability.

I strongly advice. That if the device seems desirable in other ways. Do not reject the owner purely based on photos indication of its UK lock gate suitability. Ensure you meet the owner and inspect the device. This in genral seems like good advice for any boating related acquisitions.

Here I feel I should remind members of our community. If you feel the urge to share pictures of your device. In the hope of finding other boaters willing to join you on you travels. Please ensure you check the rules of this community.


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