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Just FYI, some drama around .xyz domains General Advice for shell scripts -

What do you advice for shell usage? - Do you use bash? If not, which one do you use? zsh, fish? Why do you do it? - Do you write #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh? Do you write fish exclusive scripts? - Do you have two folders, one for proven commands and one for experimental? - Do you publish/ share those c...

Should have maybe posted here first, sorry if main was not the correct community to start with.

  • Some drama about a specific registrar, not the domain in general

    • Yeah, looks like. Still thought its worth mentioning in case this is the one used for this domain too.

      Edit: now I remember why I linked it, it was also this comment saying something that all xyz's go through the same registrar?

      Not registrar, registry, which seems to be