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Big speed improvements and infinite scroll feat: add infinite scroll by Xyphyn · Pull Request #349 · Xyphyn/photon

On certain pages, you will be able to scroll infinitely without clicking "next". Going back after viewing a post should restore your position and the posts you were viewing. As a bonus with this, g...

feat: add infinite scroll by Xyphyn · Pull Request #349 · Xyphyn/photon

Hey, I've been working on a few changes to photon that make it a lot faster to open posts and return, and as a result of these changes I can also make infinite scroll work. If you go to this link, Vercel will have commented on the post with a preview link. Those are basically the beta links.

Preview Link

Let me know of any bugs and any changes you'd like!

Current roadmap

  • [x] Make this not duplicate posts in memory
  • [ ] Make this work on all posts
  • [x] Use a virtual list for better render performance