People who are 1s and 2s on this scale, do you watch adult video?
People who are 1s and 2s on this scale, do you watch adult video?
People who are 1s and 2s on this scale, do you watch adult video?
WTF is this even
I assume it's your ability to visualise things in your head. I'm the last one 🙃
I’m the last one 🙃
How do you picture objects in your minds eye
Nah, I don't use apple devices for watching porn
Wtf are you asking?
It's about ability to visualise things mentally.
I don't think there's a lot of research on it, but it's a way to measure aphantasia, the inability to picture something in your mind. I'm a 4 and didn't actually know anything higher existed until I started talking to other artists.
I'm a 1. I was today years old when I learned that there are people who can only visualize the outline of an apple, nothing at all, or anything other than a fully 3D rendered apple like in a computer generated image. To answer your question, no I don't!
I remember when I learned people weren't just being metaphorical when they talked about "picturing" something in their mind.
Do you have an internal dialogue? Or is it all visual? Cuz my internal world is basically a lightly illustrated book, 95% dialogue and occasionally I can imagine a vague image.
I'm a 2 on the scale unless i try (I can do 1 but it's not fast or easy for complex things).
Visualization isn't usually an active thing for me. But when you say "think of a car accident" I can visualize one generic car t-boning another on a generic road. If you ask me to describe a room in my house I visualize most of the things there and described based off that visualization.
How do you think quickly if you need to say everything in your mind? Is the voice very quick?
It's also unfathomable to me how people can think of what they need to do tomorrow and not see it.
I just think we don't understand our own internal processes very well. The conscious part may come long after we had the thought and if you say it or see it doesn't matter.
right, coz there's no point if you can make better images in your head, yeah?
you don't run into problems like awful actors, or they suddenly introduce a fetish you're not into
is that about right?
I introduce another option, as I'm much more detailed than even "1." I can visualise entire scenes with the background and all, along with other sensory experiences such as touch, taste, and smell with complete realism. Very useful being in engineering. I do watch the referenced content, but it's more to "enrich the dataset" so to speak, just for inspiration and to provide more details to imagine later. Sometimes I'll just turn it off and go with the fantasy instead.
In my case, it's not exactly like an outline, it's just... I can't describe it because I can't actually focus on it, it's like a cross between a picture and a notion. But somehow, in the lineup, the outline seems like the most accurate level of detail.
Also color is absent for me, don't know about for others.
I'm a 1 and yes I do. I can imagine something, but it's hard to concentrate on something super detailed and fully enjoy myself
1 here as well. I can even mimic the sensation my body would get, yet I prefer adult content to save on processing power.
Adult video? Fuck no. Extremely degenerate furry hentai on the other hand...
I'm looking through this thread and the concept behind the picture is 100x more fascinating to me than the actual question. Is the number your maximum capability?
I'd estimate I go through the majority (90℅?) of each day at like a 4 bordering on 5, but at times I'll move up to 2. It's a pretty seamless transition, I don't really have an explanation for why it only happens every so often. It's not like it's exclusively reserved for moments where it's more useful.
I don't expect people who can vividly imagine to be doing it all the time, kinda interpreted this as a cap. Still 1-2 distinction seems odd to me. Is it cartoon to realistic?
If I'm picturing anything, I usually go for 1 or 2. The difference might be in the amount of time I do it. I can just do it quick, then remember it.
TIL about aphantasia
Anyways, I'm between 1 - 2, and I just wanted to say that just bc I can visualize things in my head doesn't mean I don't enjoy seeing things with my eyes. If I was good at drawing, I definitely would draw my OCs and such
But no, I don't watch adult videos. I just don't really like nsfw. Maybe I'm asexual or smt, idk
I'm a 1, and yes I watch porn to collect "materials" to concoct the most perfect porn in my head that no one has seen and will never see.
Being a 1 and bi is my super power. (Definitely not my dyslexia)
What is this scale?
Percent apple of your brain.
It's meant to roughly gauge how clearly you picture things in your mind's eye by asking you which apple you see when prompted to imagine one. #5 references the lack of a mind's eye in people with Aphantasia (coincidentally this Wikipedia article has this same chart as a header image)
Oh, I see! Thank you!
I'm 1 and watch every day, though i read many books too, so everything balances out, also my work requires a lot of improvisation that makes you think on problem solving, so positive impact is bigger
I’m 1 and watch every day
You are too young to be watching porn 🥁 🤣
Reminds me of that "I am 12 years old and what is this" meme lol
True true
1 or 2, watch tonnes of porn
I like your direct communication style.
I'm between 4 and 5, and no, I don't need to. I can conceptualize things pretty well, I just can't do it visually.
I was a 5 before my head injury, now I think I'm a 3 if I close my eye and really focus on it.
But also? I've liked adult literature the entire time. "Visualization" is overrated.
you can visualise better coz of a head injury?
I couldn't visualize even slightly before! Total aphantasia.
Now if I focus really hard I can briefly see images and memories. It still doesn't come naturally but the difference is staggering.
Wow, care to tell more about what that was like? I'm aphantasic, and the idea of suddenly unlocking the ability to visualize is fascinating to me.
It's like, sometimes, if I really focus on a memory then I can start to fill in 3D space and contrasts of light/dark and especially faces. I can't visualize color or really texture, but everything else comes to me. It takes a lot of focus and doesn't come naturally though!
I still mostly don't visualize stuff, but sometimes a vision will strike me out-of-the-blue when I'm reminded of it. Weird.
TIL people can imagine colour.
TIL some people can visualize but it's in black & white or devoid of color all together.
For me, I can visualize things from 2 up to entire scenes. I don't "see" it like with my eyes, it's like a dream, sometimes a vivid dream.
I could dream up a scene right now involving me buying 20 photorealistic apples in a store I often go to. I thought this is normal and everyone does that.
TIL color is not the default mode for everyone
Without any explanation whatsoever, I had to rely on other comments to figure out what the hell you were asking.
I'm probably a 1.5, and yes I watch porn.
I'm a 1, a woman if this weighs in your data collection, and the answer is, sometimes but not too often. It really depends on the mood.
It's the same with movies really, I can fantasize about a million stories in my mind, heck I can be the protagonist but I still enjoy being unable to predict what's going to happen even on just purely a visual level, not that porn has very intricate plots.
What puts me off most of the time is having to go through the search. I'm very picky and having to see the "wrong" type of content in order to find the "right" can really put me off or sometimes bore me.
I can imagine an apple like in 1, maybe not with light reflections, but with colors and can rotate it around. But it takes a lot of concentration and effort and i'm never really sure if i'm just conceptualizing it.
I'd like to ask a different question. If you imagine something disgusting (like biting into a rotten, moldy apple) do you feel disgust? I always found it super weird when people feel disgusted at hearing a description of something disgusting and involuntarily imagining it. Meanwhile i have to do a concious effort and even then doesn't evoke nearly the same response as seeing something real
I think it's only a small percentage that do this as a norm, but I think if you have a personal connection to the thing being described it can trigger a reaction like that in a much larger group of people. As an example: if you've traumatically broken a specific bone you're more likely to cringe at a story about someone else breaking that bone than a person who's never broken any bones.
I do have a vivid imagination, but when I imagine doing something disgusting voluntarily I can anticipate it. Not so much when I imagine it from hearing or reading a story and in the middle of imagining things.
Porn is easier generally
I'm definitely a 1, and generally I don't. I do, however, really like interactive fiction in both work safe and non work safe contexts. I think I really enjoy being able to visualize it in my mind more than I do watching it.
I'm not sure if it factors into your pet theory, but I'm asexual so the appeal of physical forms is also very lost on me. That's a different can of worms that I'm happy to open if interested, but I'll leave it be if not.
first you said you enjoy erotic fiction, then you said you're asexual, am i misunderstanding?
Nope, not at all! You've got it right.
Anyone else with a variable place on the scale? I'm 3 normally but can go up to 1 on a limited scope in short bursts with effort.
It's like my brain has a limited rendering throughput so it's either a low quality version of the entire object, or a small high quality zoomed in section
It varies with mood.
For one: Relaxed body: better visualisation
I’m 4/5 typically but I will get flashes of level 1 gore. Not randomly or frequently (thankfully), but like if I am reminded of a particular kind of injury I find very distressing I will see it very vividly for just a moment. Not fun.
My dreams are also really vivid.
Im a 1 and I like adult content but i especially like games, 3D and traditional animation. Cause yeah, i can go in the spank bank in my head if I need to, but its never gonna be as fantastical as what an animator can do
:( You just made me realize I'm only a 3 and I'm missing out on color mode. This hurts.
Just in case you're worried that you're locked in -- you're not. Abstain from listening to music, watching TV, and consuming media for a week or two, and watch your brain literally glitter into life to provide you with entertainment.
If you want a more short-term solution: waking up after lack of sufficient sleep, and wandering to the bathroom in half-sleep mode should put you in a state of mind where it's easy to "hear" a desired song playing in your head.
I'm a 1, but i have to really concentrate. If I'm just thinking quickly then im around a 2 or 3. And yes, I do watch porn.
Thanks for the answer
I probably have one, but only when imagining extremely dangerous situation. Having your brain flash you with a family members falling from the stairs while holding your niece each time they take her to the room above isn't a pleasant experience.
2, and no.
I stopped watching kids videos at the end of my kid life. Everything I watch is adult videos now: news, math, finances, cooking
I guess I’m 1. No, I don’t watch “adult video”.
I already have a decent amount of masturbation addiction, and I don’t want to make it worse.
People are not all one? Do yo really imagine grey potatoes when someone says apple.
I'm still coming to terms of people who don't think visually, there are people who think in grayscale??
I guess I do?
Visualizing stuff isn't quite the outline one, there's more detail. But thinking of some paintings, I can't quite recall the colors.
I have been diagnosed with aphantasia, so I'm a 5. I have no ability to visualise anything in my head, I was in my 40s before I realised that "minds eye" is not a metaphor for most people.
So, I worked in a job shop, I would draw things up in CAD and leave everything the default grey texture. then the customer would say "I don't want it to be grey. I want it [wood, gold, magenta plaid, whatever]" and I would say "Yeah I'm going to make it out of [whatever], I'm just confirming the physical design." and they would reply "I can't see it."
Is that you?
It's a new fad ailment like the magically disappearing "gluten intolerance" epidemic. People with no personalities substitute these things instead. See also "neurodivergence" etc.
1 and yes normally. But I have sometimes had extended spells of no internet or computer access in which case I've used my own mind.
Im a 1 and i like video and images. But i can also watch movies in my head of be fantasy banging people
I'm 1, and no, not really. But that's more for ethical reasons.
I think I am a 5. I feel like I am imagining an apple but then I am not sure whether I "see" the thing I am imagining or not. It's weird.
If you were seeing the thing it would be there, in front of your eyeballs.
Aphantasia is neat. I have to wonder how it affects the way we see the world. I'm 1. It doesn't really take concentration, which I see on here? it's not any harder than just a simple internal monologue anyways. But that's always in motion whether I want it or not so 🤷
That's including lights and reflections, but like that's constructed by me, and so I might imagine a light reflection incorrectly. again just like I might have a definition incorrect for internal monologue.
Anyways, sure. Imagining is part of it. Like placing yourself in the situation in front of you. I don't need adult videos to do so though. But like, having full HD imagination doesn't replace videos of any kind, or else I wouldn't watch YouTube either ya knoe
Yes but not every time. I can get there just by fantasizing but sometimes it's nice not to think about it. I also like written erotica more than most men seem to and I think it's because of how vividly I can visualize it.
Written erotica often gets me going better than videos because many videos are annoying and a turn off.
I'm a 1 and of course I do. Imagination is like playing with dolls. You already know everything going on. It's not the same as watching something made by other people.
If you think this is cool, how many inner dialogues do y'all have?
I think it's more like videos about lawnmowers and the history of jazz music.
I'm a 4.5 and those are my favorite shows.
The adult videos about job hunting/going to work, paying bills and taxes, doing dishes and laundry, doing shopping and cooking
3 or 4, but I can 'see' the geometry and motion of one or more objects interacting with each other or the environment. Rotation, deformation, shear, impact etc.
It is less so that I can 'see' and more that I can 'feel' and visually conceptualize that sensation in my mind. Albeit not 'vividly'.
That might lend itself to other things
I guess I am 1, and I do watch Itchy and Scratchy sometimes 😎 (It's a very scary and therefore adult series)
When I was young, my mind was super visual. People would talk, and there would be a stream of pictures and videos in my mind. Then I got really into reading and writing and, over the years, my mine got much less visual. I still can visualize things, but it's not the way my mind really works. It's closer to an audio book, but isn't really sound, either.
I'm like a 3-ish, and I do. I equally enjoy adult books though, if that helps or complicates whatever you're trying to suss out.
yes because most of the time, it feels better to be able to turn my brain off.
But I am able to use stuff like AI Dungeon as an alternative if I need it.
Uhm, not sure where I lie on this scale I guess. Is this the real scale or some abstract representation? Personally it's a 1 or 2 for me, but the image constantly changes and is never quite stable. There can be quite some detail, but it's only very temporary. Once I focus on some other part of the apple and go back everything is different
Up to 1 with effort. My fiancee is a 5, which if I hadn't already known beforehand that that's even possible, I would have been surprised to learn.
At a 2, I have but don't regularly.
Not so much these days. I have a lot of neglected home projects that I need to get done. Can't imagine how 3 and 4s are handling things these days.
1 or 2 I guess? Also what’s wrong with watching adult videos?
They are assuming you can visualize what ever you want and don’t need the videos
Oh then i can… I still watch videos cause I want to be done with it; otherwise I read smut
1, I do. The imagination isn’t a perfect replacement for everything, and I find visualising things far harder to do if I’m actively forcing myself to do it (listening to music or just letting my mind wander is far better for me, so this test is pretty difficult for me since I have to force myself to focus on the apple).
I'm a 1 and yes. That part of my brain has a direct line to the input somehow, and can't be fooled by a mere mind-picture.
I'm interested in how women would answer, because men seem to be way more sexually visual, and women more conceptual, even across orientations.
The term you are looking for is aphantasia.
Only for a 5.
I'm a 1 but the apple would be morphing into different types and then the image would zoom in on patterns or what the bottom looks like etc. It would then shift to something totally unrelated like Sonic the Hedgehog. Why him? Your guess is as good as mine. There's a lot going on up there and it's noisy and constantly under construction.
To your question though, of course I don't watch them, I skip around to the good parts.