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Daily Discussion Thread: Monday, July 15, 2024


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  • Every nerve is fried. My heart is beating so fast, and the nerves in my neck twinge. I teleport around the apartment, quantum, fleeting. Electricity courses through my body in waves.

    SNRI withdrawal is wild. 3/10, do not recommend. (A 3, because sometimes it feels like my brain is in freefall and it's almost pleasant).

    I'll be fine, I have the meds now. The woes of executive dysfunction and supporting a local pharmacy that closes on Sundays. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

    My one last morning volunteer shift is tomorrow, so up at 4am, off at 6am, start at 8am, finish at 12pm, should be home by 2ish-pm. Rest. Cleanup Wednesday in prep for MIL visit from Perth. Then TAFE on Thursday and Friday.

    This turned into a ramble. Enjoy lol

    • Hope you feel better ❀️ I've had the "brain zaps" before and it was super unpleasant.

      • Ty πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ It's not my favourite experience, that's for sure. Not even in my Top 50.

        But least it isn't painful, just unpleasant as you said

    • SNRI withdrawal rates 0/10 in my books. I remember having constant brain zaps and feeling like a completely out of control bag of volatile emotions. Probably nothing about it felt good because it fucked up work so badly. Hope you manage to get back on track asap. I would risk going to a chain pharmacy to avoid SNRI withdrawals in the future...

    • Sorry for how you’re feeling. I’ve heard withdrawal symptoms can be awful.

      I hope you feel better soon!

    • hugs

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