You can't spell "aggressive & hostile" without "asshole".
You can't spell "aggressive & hostile" without "asshole".
You can't spell "aggressive & hostile" without "asshole".
You cant spell "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" without (any given word in the english language)
Nah you need more doubles and stuff.
You don't know how many times that fox jumped.
I mean, the order of the letters matter, and so does the frequency. You can spell "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" without spelling "asshole"
I mean, the order of the letters matter, and so does the frequency.
And so does the position. Either you arbitrarily change the rules of how words are being formed, or you don't.
ggreive & til
Alright, enough of this community.
That's not how spelling works.
A ss ho le
And you can't spell "slaughter" without "laughter." So what's your point?
You should change your diet.
And you can't spell unfortunate without tuna. But not every problem is caused by canned fish.
Why don't you tell?