79 percent of Democrats approve of Harris replacing Biden if he steps aside: Poll
79 percent of Democrats approve of Harris replacing Biden if he steps aside: Poll
79 percent of Democrats approve of Harris replacing Biden if he steps aside: Poll
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This uhhhh… this does not seem like an improvement
I mean, at this point, she's polling better than him without campaigning. Once she starts campaigning those numbers will only go up. In terms of beating Trump, she's an improvement. In terms of being an inspiring candidate with progressive ideals...I guess you could argue it's a lateral move.
I don't say this specifically about Harris, but in general, that's wrong. The moment someone actually starts campaigning and running their polling falls. That's because it's easy to offer support to someone before they're under harsh scrutiny, and you can bet Trump's team has a ton of crap to fling at her the moment she's the candidate. Most of it will be nonsense of course, but so is most of the crap he's flung at everyone else.
Don't get me wrong - I think she's by far the best choice. But expecting it to be a simple and easy transition to a Trump loss is unrealistic. This is going to be an uphill fight regardless.
I don't think that's true. I'm sure there's some initial drop when some voters start to learn about the candidate, but generally, more exposure increases someone's appeal to voters, especially when they don't know them as well.
Also, what type of poll are you talking about, head-to-head voting matchups or approval polls? Harris' approval has been about the same as Bidens in the last 4 pr 5 polls, but her disapproval is a lot lower, which indicates there are a lot of people who aren't sure about her. Unless Harris is a complete train wreck, I would be very surprised if she not only lost the approval she already had, but didn't turn any of those unsure respondents into supporters.
Cool literally my only concern is beating trump tbh. Bit worried about a 2016 rerun and whatnot. Although I suppose Harris probably isn’t as wildly unpopular as Clinton? Idk
My teenaged, properly Trump hating kid: I don't like Harris.
Me: Why not?
Kid: I don't know, I just don't like her. She's awful.
Me: Do you know anything she's done?
Kid: No, I just don't like her.
Me: Have you ever even seen or heard her speak?
Kid: ..... No.
Let me tell you, the propaganda is powerful.
Sometimes you just don't like people
She's not well known enough to be that disliked. She's also got very little charisma, which is why she did so poorly in the primary. But she's generally considered a good debater, which would be helpful right about now. Honestly, I think voters are just looking for someone who wasn't alive when Germany surrendered, and she does fits the bill.