79 percent of Democrats approve of Harris replacing Biden if he steps aside: Poll
79 percent of Democrats approve of Harris replacing Biden if he steps aside: Poll
79 percent of Democrats approve of Harris replacing Biden if he steps aside: Poll
"Approve" is not the same as "want". 79% of democrats would likely approve of a ham sandwich if that was the only alternative to the cheeto.
Well I don't like the ham sandwich's record on gun rights but I think it'll put the right team around it.
That's why what Dems feel about it doesn't matter. What matters is how moderates, both-siders, and never-Trumpers feel about it. It's their votes we need to beat Trump. I don't have high hopes for Harris swaying them.
A ham sandwich sounds pretty good actually.
79 percent forgetting just how sexist and racist Anerican voters are
While there’s only one way I could vote for the future of our society, I’d prefer someone else. She’s had four years to succeed at something and hasn’t. People on the left might still balk at her prosecutor history. People on the right probably vote against anything connected to California and against anything not white male. I just don’t see her succeeding
It's sad, because it's not fair to anyone that that needs to be a concern. But given the risk, I just want Gavin Newsom to replace Biden. I don't want to take any chances. A milquetoast white guy who is middle of the road. Then president AOC if I had my druthers.
Yea for both! Newson 2024, 2028, AOC: 2032 , 2036! Let’s get this country working for its people again! Let’s unironically and Truthfully Make America Great Again, for all its citizens, for their children and the future, and be a force for good!
79% of the people we asked chose the response we guided them towards.
Seriously, what did the other 21% say?
“Michelle Obama!”
“Jon Stewart!”
Just kidding, that last one would be genuinely a good idea, which is why you don’t hear it in these weird slanted editorials
This uhhhh… this does not seem like an improvement
I mean, at this point, she's polling better than him without campaigning. Once she starts campaigning those numbers will only go up. In terms of beating Trump, she's an improvement. In terms of being an inspiring candidate with progressive ideals...I guess you could argue it's a lateral move.
I don't say this specifically about Harris, but in general, that's wrong. The moment someone actually starts campaigning and running their polling falls. That's because it's easy to offer support to someone before they're under harsh scrutiny, and you can bet Trump's team has a ton of crap to fling at her the moment she's the candidate. Most of it will be nonsense of course, but so is most of the crap he's flung at everyone else.
Don't get me wrong - I think she's by far the best choice. But expecting it to be a simple and easy transition to a Trump loss is unrealistic. This is going to be an uphill fight regardless.
God please no. It will be Hilary all over again - got nominated only because it was her turn.
Kamala has been MIA since past 3 years. Beyond casting tie-breaking votes during last congress I haven’t even heard if she was still living on this planet.
Did you just fall out of a coconut tree?
That sounds horrible honestly. But I’m just here to vote against the convicted felon who said he wants to be a dictator.
Isn't a former DA the perfect person to go against a convicted felon?
I wasn't asked. Why wasn't I asked?
Would you like to share your opinion with the class?
Not the point
You didn't answer the unsolicited call from an unknown number? What's wrong with you?!?
I was asked 3 times by text message. All 3 times I said I would support her.
I'll vote for whatever Democrat there is on the ballot but I have zero confidence that this will work out the way op thinks it will. It will be Hillary all over. Oh well.
If I was trying to to get somewhere, and had the choice of a broken train or no train, from a safety perspective I’d probably choose “no train”.
But if the reality was that choosing “no train” better enabled a “crazy train” to show up and take me to “crazy town”, I’d probably just roll my dice on the broken train to Dullsville.
What I really want is a high speed train to Happytown, but nobody is selling tickets for that…
Insta loss imo
not my first pick but if she's it then it's still an easy vote.
Holy shit the party is so out of touch
I mean, fuck it. We need to throw a Hail Mary because our shit is FUBAR right now.
Fuck that.
Oh, it's an Ozma post.... Of course.
Did not like, too short.
This is still a terrible idea, they have already drafted legal challenges if Dems do this, and Biden is polling fine. They just need to hold the fucking line.
democrats and republicans both like the police loving far right candidates
with all the things the US is facing not sure a prosecutor is who the country needs
Still better than trump. Though if it was her, having Bernie or AoC as VP pick would make me much more motivated to actually vote for her and not just not trump.
Likely DNC response: "ha, right... well look, we eased up on the Biden or Bust thing, you can't ask us to also not pair her with a fully corporate and fully neoliberal running mate. You must understand that we just lost hundreds of millions of dollars of donations in only a few weeks of determinedly thumbing our noses at our constituents, and we're not going to make up that kind of shortfall in five dollar donations, we're still courting big tech and big oil, thank you very much and get lost."
You’re not supposed to be shitting on Kamala until she gets chosen
If you start preemptively criticizing her now, it might just produce an overall sense of hopelessness and chaos with no way out
Oh… I see.