I used to see KKK rallies during the Clinton Administration as the last gasps of a dying ideology. Since the Trump Administration, it feels more like a resurgence of something that should be dead.
These imbeciles really think that if a race war broke out, it'd be them and all the whites against the non-whites, instead of it being them against everyone else.
Free speech is nice n'all, but Nazi marches should not be tolerated. If your ideology is anything remotely like this, you should not be protected, just as someone yelling "fire!" in a crowded theatre, or someone sending death threats, is not protected. They are avowed racists, bigots towards just about everyone, and seek to build a Nazi-USA. Fuck free speech if this is the upshot of it.
Curiously enough, Tennessee’s Republican governor, Bill Lee, addressed the latest white supremacist march in Nashville Monday, but he only seemed to focus on the antisemitism, not specifically the racist rhetoric espoused by fragile white people who are clearly afraid to death that white power is being eroded in order for Black and brown people to thrive.
Curiously enough, it's just bribes. Sweet sweet AIPAC money.
Edit: sorry, wrong racist. That was Mike Lee, senator from UT.
These RACISTS are SICKENING! DON'T you DARE compare ME, a White Man, to a DRUNK IRISHMAN, who are ALSO White Men! And I'm definitely NOT like those STUPID NORDICS, who are ALSO White Men! RACISTS!