‘Whites Against Replacement’: Latest Hateful March In Nashville Amplified Racist Theory
‘Whites Against Replacement’: Latest Hateful March In Nashville Amplified Racist Theory

White nationalists marched in Nashville for the second straight weekend.

‘Whites Against Replacement’: Latest Hateful March In Nashville Amplified Racist Theory
White nationalists marched in Nashville for the second straight weekend.
Thank you for this image.
Edit: as a Tennessean
And somehow no one's shooting them. What's the point of all these guns if no one's going to shoot literal nazis?
Sadly you're not allowed to shoot off duty cops.
Where's a crowd seeking ford mustang when you need one?
"Will no one rid me of these turbulent Nazis?"
Hey now, not funny, the Ford did NOTHING to deserve getting stained with Nazi!
Ford did NOTHING to deserve getting stained with Nazi
Might be a little (a lot) late with that lol
I mean, the company was founded by one, so its only fair.
I used to see KKK rallies during the Clinton Administration as the last gasps of a dying ideology. Since the Trump Administration, it feels more like a resurgence of something that should be dead.
It's absolutely frustrating.
The "Guys you really shouldn't punch a Nazi they're just misunderstood UwU" assholes online really never had to deal with these racist hateful mofos.
Musk is a big proponent of this bullshit, watch them suddenly get a boost on his website, if not a bunch of funding..
These imbeciles really think that if a race war broke out, it'd be them and all the whites against the non-whites, instead of it being them against everyone else.
Free speech is nice n'all, but Nazi marches should not be tolerated. If your ideology is anything remotely like this, you should not be protected, just as someone yelling "fire!" in a crowded theatre, or someone sending death threats, is not protected. They are avowed racists, bigots towards just about everyone, and seek to build a Nazi-USA. Fuck free speech if this is the upshot of it.
Free speech is nice n’all, but Nazi marches should not be tolerated.
That's why there are exceptions to free speech, and has been for a while.
Fraud, treason, endangerment, etc.--all normal and reasonable restrictions on speech.
Nazi propaganda checks all those boxes.
It'll be so easy for us to infiltrate their group and sabotage from within. They'll think we're A-ok just because of the color of our skin.
Black Nazi in that picture. Absolutely insane, delusional people.
When your klan meeting is as diverse as a blacks for Trump rally.
"Closed Borders, White Nation, Now We Start The Deportation"
Anyone else remember that chant from what Trump called "very fine people", they said that alongside the "Jews will not replace us" line
Huh. I was wondering recently why we seem to connect black and red with the bad guys
Nashville with the reminder of why
Motherfuckers stole the best color combination 🤬
Which is of course FAR down the list of reasons to despise them, but still..
I too am irate with this color development
Yes, I wish to have you replaced with decent human beings, you scumfuck nazis.
"After we replaced the natives, we ourselves won't be replaced!"
Is it socially acceptable to drive your car into a crowd of nazis? Hypothetically, of course.
Yes, the answer is yes
Can i use you as a character witness in a hypothetical car-related homicide trial in the future?
The Blues Brothers answer yes: https://youtu.be/ZTT1qUswYL0?si=6AhFMB6Q2Yn4LhtK&t=1m32s
Does that law they made about running over protesters specify you can’t run over nazis?
Curiously enough, Tennessee’s Republican governor, Bill Lee, addressed the latest white supremacist march in Nashville Monday, but he only seemed to focus on the antisemitism, not specifically the racist rhetoric espoused by fragile white people who are clearly afraid to death that white power is being eroded in order for Black and brown people to thrive.
Curiously enough, it's just bribes. Sweet sweet AIPAC money.
Edit: sorry, wrong racist. That was Mike Lee, senator from UT.
Thanks for correcting me.
Remember folks: those people are voting.
I'm gonna start 'people against giving a fuck about the color of anyone's skin'.
I can't fucking stand it.
Nobody wants to replace you, we just want to be rid of you
I would not mind if someone replaced those idiots. Don't care with what, it can hardly get worse.
So, I can fuck a black woman and I'd be ok but the child and wife wouldn't? nothing wrong with that.../s
You might get off easier than the colored or mixed person in the equation, but you certainly wouldn't be okay as a race-traitor.
Can the Jews please replace them already
Don't give Bibi ideas
Hey guys, I think we have the second amendment to prevent these type of people from taking over America...
No, you have the 2nd amendment to avoid having a standing army
i can't imagine being upset that later generations won't be the color of a giant human palm or the bottom of your foot.
how is this a problem that i am supposed to care about ?
these chaps want to STOP EVOLUTION NOW ?!?!
Oh, WAR? How cute.
/s in case it’s needed
Funny that they think there's anything about them that requires replacing...
These RACISTS are SICKENING! DON'T you DARE compare ME, a White Man, to a DRUNK IRISHMAN, who are ALSO White Men! And I'm definitely NOT like those STUPID NORDICS, who are ALSO White Men! RACISTS!
i read that as Least Hateful March In Nashville and thought damn they're really cooking Nashville
Menalin-phobia :-)
It's not a conspiracy theory any more. Literally happening so....
White people are being “replaced”? How? This is stolen land anyway
Old as hills, racists gonna racist. US has always had lots of immigration and much of the time it’s been different than the majority. Each decade sees a wave of immigrants from a different part of the world and there are always some who are afraid of change. If you remember from school, you probably studied several of them. Not to excuse racists, just that they are an unfortunate part of who we are