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Post apocalyptic movies and shows kind of suck

Dunno how to explain why but they all annoy me.


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  • They all annoy me because they're always like "look how capitalism caused this" and then instead of actually saying that's what happened they go "oh actually it was because communists made them do it " or "actually it was because this one person nobody knew about pressed the big magic button that ruined society even though it was perfect before."

    • That's literally the progression of the canon of Fallout over the past ten years, and it drives me absolutely insane

      • Turning the Enclave from what was simply the escaped remnants of the fascistic US government into a seeeecret illuminati cabal group that conspired with Vault Tec to start the war because they're eeeeevil fucking lame

        • My god, don't even get me started. You have to fuck up in a pretty big way to make me dislike "it was all capitalism and the fascist government's fault" as a premise.

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