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Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations’
  • I wasn't aware that people having clearly stated reasons and citations for the things they believe constituted smugness now

  • Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations’
  • Nobody's shaming you into anything you self-righteous smuglord, we just think you're wrong.

  • Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations’
  • Nobody's telling you not to argue for your point of view here, but this "I'm always right" bit doesn't make you sound confident, it makes you sound like a smug prick

  • Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations’
  • and I don't like their government

    See, this is what it really comes down to, every time. You by your own admission have no idea where else Cuba might procure the things it needs to survive, but partnering with the Russians is verboten because you personally find it distasteful, regardless of the fact that no other willing assistance is forthcoming.

  • Russian warships will arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials citing ‘friendly relations’
  • If you aren't going to engage with what we're saying regarding the necessity of what the Cuban government is doing, or even reckon with the historical realities of why Russia is the way it is, perhaps you would at least like to tell us what alternatives you see. Recall again this is all in the context of a world domimated by a hegemonic hyper-militarized state with nearly-unmitigated strike capacity that has proven itself eminently hostile to both governments.

  • “Socialism is only oLd WhItE mEn”
  • did you take it more seriously when you thought an old white man said it

    No, because it's nonsense either way. Also it's laughable that this person thinks communists are reluctant to argue with dead white men and call them mean names. That's like half of what we do.

  • China installed four times as much green energy as the entire G7 combined, in 2023.
  • Apparently in the California that's a pretty big deal

    It's not even a big deal in California. Not too long ago I saw the big solar farm out near Blythe, coming back from a trip to Arizona. It's not even the largest one in the state, and it sounds like it dwarfs the one they're talking about.

  • Struggle session idea: Doomguy vs Doom Slayer
  • Aren't they canonically the same dude?

  • He owns 18 McDonald's franchises in the state.
  • Where did you see those numbers if I can ask?

  • Please... My son. He's very sick.
  • Either way, I read the first few pages of the deposition this morning, and it really just goes on like that. Musk's attorney is a piece of work as well. My understanding is that he's some kind of high profile celebrity attorney, but going by what I've read, he can't possibly be worth the fortune that I'm sure he charges. Or perhaps I'm overestimating the difficulties of the legal profession, and it's possible to make a living as a lawyer through sheer ignorant belligerence, I don't know

  • Please... My son. He's very sick.
  • Was literally just about to make a post for this, because how wasn't there one before now, it's so good. He's just so fucking stupid

  • Good news
  • How evil does a guy have to be to become known as the worst landlord in a city full of world class real estate scumbags

  • Pros and cons of having long hair
  • Pros: My hair is super thick and silky and luxurious when it's long (people like to touch it and they think I'm sexy)

    Cons: My hair is super thick and silky and luxurious when it's long (it takes ages to dry and it's super heavy and always falling in my eyes and my ears get hot)

  • How would you say you're a communist without saying you're a communist?
  • I normally just tell people. Disdaining to conceal our aims and so forth. For those times when outright saying I'm a socialist would derail things into an unproductive debate about how "communism has never worked" or whatever, I usually default to saying I'm an anti-capitalist or something like that. Even then, I try to sneak in surplus value and class conflict and similar language. If I'm fairly certain I'm talking to another leftist, I let it slip as quickly as possible so we don't spend however many minutes using coded language and sniffing each other out.

  • Bisexual men appreciation post
  • Oh my 😳

  • That's pretty much literally what they did if I remember correctly

  • Putting quotes around every single word in a google search so that google doesn't randomly ignore most of them
  • The one and only reason that reddit shouldn't yet be scourged from the internet

  • A bit of technical support please?

    Hey all. I don't know if it's a faux pas to put help requests here, but I've got an issue with a basically brand new AIO cooler in the PC I just put together, and since I'd rather die than ask this on reddit, I figured I'd take a shot and ask my favorite people before throwing up my hands and sending it in for warranty service (again).

    So long story short, it was briefly functional when I got it, then crapped out, so I sent it in to be "fixed". I got it back the other day, and reinstalled it and booted up the system today. Pump came on after a minute or so, CPU was running at a good temp, and I was all ready to install my OS. But, I dicked up the BIOS settings and had to reset CMOS to fix it. After that, the pump and the radiator fans wouldn't come on and weren't detected by the motherboard (I should note that this is exactly what happened the first time). Tried it on every fan header on the board, nothing. No amount of fiddling with the fan settings in BIOS could get it working.

    Would anybody who's inclined to help my silly ass have any advice, or should I just insist that the clowns who sold it to me just replace it this time?

    Edit: Forgot to note, the pump appears to be functioning, but none of the three fans are spinning
