The Great Steam Demo Update - Demos can have their own page and reviews
The Great Steam Demo Update - Demos can have their own page and reviews

Making demos an even more powerful and flexible marketing tool

The Great Steam Demo Update - Demos can have their own page and reviews
Making demos an even more powerful and flexible marketing tool
Steam continues to be the best platform for your game. In an industry that almost prides itself on not listening to customers, Valve really is a miracle.
Ooh, that's really cool.
I've played very good demos in the past where I would have liked to write a positive review [without buying the game or reviewing the full game].
Being able to add them to the library as "play later" (eventually, right?) is a very good addition too.
This is absolutely useful for developers and the health of the gaming ecosystem.
In past years, gacha/P2W games have had too many pages and too much traffic, exposing their trash to lure new gamers in the Steam store.
Traditional/buyout games have had unfair exposure conditions. Years ago, I sensed this problem, but I found good games through other channels, so I wasn’t impacted by this condition. However, the competition between buyout games and gacha/P2W games in the Steam Store is absolutely unfair.
So, I am very glad to see Valve changing this condition.
I hope I can see a lot of high-quality demos of buyout games occupying the Steam store page, getting the most exposure instead of gacha/P2W trash.