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  • I would be a terrifying and bloodthirsty Supreme Leader for sure... 😏

    That is why we should prevent human beings from holding too much power.

  • I would outlaw starting work before 12pm. I'm 30 and I still absolutely hate mornings just as much as I did when I was 10. I'm naturally a night person but working graveyards has more problems than dealing with early mornings IMO. Let all the morning people feel the pain of having to be productive during your least productive hours for a change.

  • Anyone, regardless of status, race, wealth, sexuality, religion, etc. that violates anyone's fundamental human rights would be put to death. Period. Tolerance of intolerance breeds intolerance.

    • I would want some clearly marked boundaries then, because I would consider unpaid labor a human rights violation but I wouldn't want my old boss executed just because I clocked out and then picked up some trash on my way out the door.

    • You're being funny, but this would lead to the death of every one on earth, we'd have to have automated evaporation cubicles, like in that Star Trek episode. A toddler violated my human rights this morning. I will pursue you to the ends of the earth, GUS.

  • No more religious things. Books, buildings, posters, gatherings, merchandise, websites, teachings...

    You can talk to your imaginary friend in private, but no more spreading that shit to youth or folks in a vulnerable state of mind.

    One generation and that garbage is either done and gone forever; or I just triggered judgement day and learn the hard way that I fucked up and the religious crowd gets their coveted ascension. Win win.

    • Web pages must not have any javascript.
    • Browsers must not have a javascript engine
    • Web advertisement may only happen within a sidebar and must be either a static image under 70kb, or animated image under 400kb. The total of advertising must not surpass 2.5MB.
    • Any videos or music loaded from the web may not autoplay
    • At least half of any video advertisement of computer programs (includes games, android and ios apps, etc) MUST be of someone actually using the actual program/game/app
    • Wealth tax. Fuck you, tax havens, and your clients.