I'm can't remember the name but the dude on the right definitely rings a bell.
Probably Alexander, if there's a gram of accuracy there.
Who wouldn't start salivating if a man with such a grandiose beard rang a bell?
Are you wondering "who's that guy in the photo on the right?"
The answer will SHOCK you!
I'm salivating now for some reason
Damn, I forgot to feed the dog
This rings a bell...
Oh, I know that guy, that's Rice Pilav.
You ever heard about the South Bend shovel slayer? That’s him. Back in ‘58 he murdered his whole family and half the people on the block… with a snow shovel. Been hiding out in this neighbourhood ever since! Not enough evidence to convict. They never found the bodies. Now it’ll just be a matter of time before he does it again.
He walks up and down the streets every night, salting the sidewalks. You see that garbage can full of salt? That’s where he keeps his victims. The salt turns to bodies… Into mummies…
Look out!
For any struggling students out there. This works on humans too :)
Where I live the dog shampoo costs more than the human shampoo.
Or you mean the conditioner?
Will I turn into a dog after using dog shampoo though? That looks like one happy dog on the bottle.