Peak D&D 6e
Peak D&D 6e
Peak D&D 6e
I wish the DnD/roleplaying community wasn't as hopelessly horny as it is.
Tbh I agree that "horny bard fuck dragon" memes are tiring. But I actually didn't read this meme as horny. I thought it was just "hey, you expect your orc to be buff and muscly, but NO! She lithe and slim!" Basically just poking fun at WotC for removing a feature called "powerful build".
... she?
That's a femboy, friend
Y'all might be hopelessly horny, but I'm very hopefully horny. I know how to dance.
DM: ... and of course Druids can learn Wild Shape, which allows them to transform into a beast that...
Player: STOP. I want to play that one. A druin or whatever.
I wish everything was more horny.
I wish it wasn't so obsessed with being upset about miniscule changes.
A picture of a skinny female orc ...
If I'd seen the pic without text, I'd have assumed it's a femboy orc. Which I'd also find funnier since the morphology of female orcs already varies a lot depending on the artist's tastes and intentions whereas male orcs are more consistently depicted with a strong build.
My money is on femboy orc as well. Unless she's wearing a super tight binder or something, that looks like visible pecs rather than cleavage.
Good guess. That appears to be a character by Dross named Onyx, who is male. (locked behind Patreon) (AI link unfortunately, but shows the original image and names the character)
My money is nowhere and I just 'want' it to be a femboy orc.
....... there boutta be an explosion in the population of half-orcs.
Has anyone seen the bard?
[the bard IS the orc and he's getting rizzed by the whole tavern]
He'll be in momentarily, hey hey.
…well, no: sixth-edition core rules no longer support half-races, something-something-against-racism?..
The solution to racism is not to let them breed together? 😕
Iirc it's more of a lexical change: until now, half-something automatically assumed the other half was human, making the human race central in the setting. To allow for more liberty, most (all?) humanoid species will become interbreedable and you can choose the traits from one ancestry or the other.
We didn't have half-races in BECMI, despite having a guy who was going by the title "Half-Orc", he was just really ugly.
Inconvenience by snu-snu.
So, they’re like a different green version of an elf now?
More like a taller version of a goblin
Tall Goblin is called a Verdan.
I've always been joking about playing an "orc poet" in Shadowrun as a way to do something totally sub optimal :) TIL that you can also play orc in D&D. And cute orcs can definitely change the world building
Yeah the PHB for D&D 5th edition only had half-orcs as a playable race, but they added a full orc race with the 2016 Volo's Guide to Monsters. idk about the 5e remaster though because I haven't played or been interested in following the news of D&D since about mid 2022. I just found this meme on ! and thought it belonged here!
Playing smart or charismatic orcs is totally fine in Shadowrun, it's not that suboptimal. You have to spend a bit more karma at the start to overcome the lower starting charisma, but it's not bad at all.
Um, actually, this is not a "bubble font". The font used in this meme is called "Impact", and it's commonly bundled with MS Office. ☝️🤓
Not a player nor a DM, so correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it basically photoshop human now? Grab a human, shift colors until skin is green...orc? :|
Yes it is. It’s like they wanted to do what PF2.0 did with Ancestries but also do a really shitty job of it. It’s fine though; 3.5e, 5e, PF1.0, and PF2.0 are all still out there for anyone who wants to run better systems that are still “DND.”
I'm actually a fan of the general change to races and background. It's more role play friendly because all the tables available to me are run like we're power gaming. Which of course makes us power game to stay alive. So now I can be whatever I want without worrying too much.
I'm pretty hyped for DC20. I backed the Kickstarter... now I just need life to fuckin' chill long enough for me to pull a game together to test out the beta rules.
Isn't that twink a Goblin, tho?
Also, I'm ok with this, helps diffirentiate them from Goliaths. And Orcs were never potrayed as Goliath-sized.
Isn't that twink a Goblin, tho?
...No, it's too easy...
we love an easy twink, especially one who's a' Goblin
I don't think they made the 5Essentials Orc Warcraft-color.
omg I love the term "5Essentials" to refer to the new edition.
The fucks wrong with the hands? Is this ai generated?
Yes, blatantly. The earrings don't make a ton of sense, the overgarment doesn't make any sense, and all the metallic bits are kinda gloopy.
Nah this is hands drawn correctly but not well, AI draws hands well but incorrectly.
(relatively speaking, its still hands drawn better than I can)
Edit: Then again the ears are odd and the black thing vanishing under the clothes is confusing. Normally AI can't understand that objects going behind another object have to come out the other side and this passes that test but it also just looks weird in a way a human wouldn't do.
That's no orc that's a fucking goblin. Orcs are massive. You're on some delusional shit if you believe otherwise and that there are no species defining traits.